No Update on SOM Transfers Yet

So you have a problem with gold cap and people having items they didn’t earn on progression servers while you sit in gdkps with your rmt gold LOL. Post on your main big guy.

This announcement screws over the smallest of small WoW populations, it reminds me of a well intentioned real life policy that inadvertently harms the most vulnerable populations. Context - Only 2 Horde guilds on the mega server (Rock Apes and WOODDEPARTMENT) downed KT. That’s like 100 people left in SOM. WOODDEPARTMENT is done with SOM and theres like 50 players all hoping to keep gaming together on their characters in the next big content patch which is WOTLK. No matter how good the non SOM players’ arguments are, the end result is that a tiny, dedicated crew of dudes being singled out and mistreated here - not just by an embittered TBC community of losers who botted to R14 and server transferred for Scarab Lord, but by tone-deaf developers who left SOM to die in the first place and now offer no way off the sinking ship to the players who CLEARED ALL SOM CONTENT.

You guys think SOM was easy mode? It was even crazier than original launch do to the sped up timeline. Here’s a just a few snips of the hardships we went thru in SOM together:

We slogged through harder tuned encounters, waged war against the Alliance & kept the dying SOM narrative alive on our own 2 shoulders. being able to get the ultimate vengeance against the Lich King together as homies is all we are asking for.


Except for the free transfers that they told you would happen at the conclusion of the season that Blizzard ever so graciously expanded to include the progression realms. Be grateful your toons aren’t being deleted with your seasonal server.

The toons were never slated to be deleted. No we won’t be ‘grateful to blizzard’ for screwing over everyone’s time. We don’t care about free transfers 2 months into WOTLK. We want to pay to be a part of the pre-patch or launch or we are quitting to better ran games/servers. It’s that simple. SOM raids were harder than season 1. You are an embittered TBC pencil neck coping with the fact that there will be 5 more scarab lords on your Wrath server than before. Step aside and let SOM players (real WoW gamers, same as any other players on any other server) hash this out with Blizzard. SOM players deserve rights too without you slimy vulture necks butting in and lending your useless opinions. I got a 40 man army of sweaty gamers to look after. An army that is jaded & fractured by these updates. I got Horde first pre-nerf C’thun week one, you are but a small worm mob NPC facing down a grizzled classic wow veteran. Step aside, Jack


Child, you signed up for SOM a complete existence outside of normal servers… you 100% upon creation of these characters knew that you would never take these characters outside of that server… and thats 100% how it should be. Acting like you all knew blizzard was gonna let you Transfer from som skip TBC and go to wraith… lmao… the lies… unless this some weird inside Blizzard Dev crap?

So if people wann spend their IRL money on a game… I don’t care so long as it doesn’t effect the game. My complaint here is that Scarab Lords on an actual server (not some handi-capped server like SOM) is hard to get… r14 requires days and days… things that people legit did… and then you have these some kids who got the crap practically for free… it undermines everything about what WoW is and was… literally decisions like this lead to why nobody plays Retail WoW but lil zoomer asmongold simps. you following sport?

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by normal servers do you mean retail? there is only classic and retail bro. blizzard isnt offering TBC servers. they are only offering WOTLK servers. and why do you care about characters copying over with achievements from 2 expansions ago? they are letting us bring the toons over to WOTLK eventually anyways so your entire point is moot. We are just being delayed arbitrarily and robbed of a pre-patch and launch event.

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Please listen to the SoM community. Many of us expected to go to Wrath Classic when it opened based on the previous announcement.

We are one of the couple of guilds that have beat Naxx, killed KT, and are ready to move on. Jom Gabbar is empty now. Not being able to transfer when prepatch/Wrath Classic goes live really puts a damper on things for many of us SoM players that were expecting to transfer. Transferring late into Wrath means we have to just abandon these characters.


I don’t think SOM should be allowed to play on anything but a SOM server… period.


I respect your right to a personal opinion but that doesnt change the fact that not even blizzard agrees with you. theyre letting us transfer to your wotlk server 11-13 months after SOM’s launch confirmed. they just botched the wotlk launch date in such a way as to completely screw over the few handful of guilds that remain on SOM. So the few hundred raiders that wanted to stick together in wotlk are now fractured.

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Season of Myxxtery is over. Move on.

its kind of cringe that Classic Scarab Lords and Rank 14’s are crying about SoM Scarab Lords and Rank 14. I’m sure Original game Scarab Lords/Rank 14’s, the few who are left, prob feel the same way about you. Can you stop hating people for doing something that even in SoM had its own challenges. In Classic the challenge to SL for instance was having enough people to monopolize a zone enough to get the tags, on SoM for many, it was so under supported, almost no one wanted to help even so those who got it did the majority of the work themselves. Every iteration of this game has had different challenges associated with it. It would be great if you could just recognize the fact that they did jump through all the hoops on an expedited release pace with a much lower interest in helping to do the quest chain. Ranking too was more difficult b/c they nerf’d pool parties after the classic fiasco with thousands of deleted characters to boost pool sizes, in order to boost pool parties in som people had to network with other servers to help ea other by making max slot characters on other realms to go to pool parties. Original versions of SL and Ranking also had their own challenges, stop hating people for doing something difficult and congratulate them, why punish them for when they did it rather than the fact that they did it. Everyone who played SoM was also effectively guinea pigs for blizzard to test new features on to gauge interest in new things they can do to the game. This pays forward as well to future expansions. Be happy for people who do the hard thing.


uh, yes it would. it obviously would…
don’t like SoM, too bad. you shouldn’t have rolled there
you’ll probably be able to transfer off in November.

good. you were never even supposed to be able to go to wrath. be grateful for whatever you get.


There’s still a ton of time spent in SoM and a lot of first time players that are now excited to continue their toon into the next era. They missed classic, they got a second chance to play again with some pretty cool fixes and changes, and now you want them to start over? It won’t happen, they will cancel their sub. I mean, if even just a level 60 of the class they played is open with boost gear you will at least save them the fear of 1-60 again.

I dont understand why some are so adamant about how others decided to play this game. A lot of us formed connections with guildies in som and want to continue but never played tbc, the option should be there.

lol just correcting you since you were talking about the side of your neck lol

Makes sense.

If you think spending 8 weeks instead of 16 weeks playing a video game 12 hours a day is free you’re literally handicap. Scarab lord is aesthetic and you’ve achieved nothing in this game anyway, cope. Get back to your gdkp’s my little paypig.

Couldn’t get it the first go around, had to join a “private” server community (SOM) full of the most toxic of the player base to get things you couldn’t normally… and now “WE WANT TO START WHEN EVERYONE ELSE DOES!”

lol sit down child and wait for the adults to clear the content.

What content have you cleared? I killed KT in classic, did you? Or did you pay your way through. Nothing you say holds any weight at all. You post on an alt because you know your opinion sucks. I actually play the game unlike you. Keep swiping.

You probably enjoyed the ssc/tk nerfs. Don’t hate on the players that enjoy harder content just because you can’t @baloneypony