No time to just blast in M+; fun lost

No that’s wrong. I am giving feedback to the game designers.

Sure you can get title on any spec.

You are excluded from dispelling because you don’t have a dispel.

I never said anything pointing to this and I disagree with what you are trying to portray me as saying. There you go again twisting my words. The only argument you can come up with is when you feebly attempt to distort what I am saying.

Cute you think a 14 is a “high key” first of all, and second, the amount of dispels this season is much higher than any season in the past. Blizzard agreed! They just nerfed the dispels saying:

“These changes are intended to address high-damage, frequently cast magical tank attacks as well as to non-magic dispel spells that require significant throughput increases if they cannot be removed.” From their blue post last week found here:

They didn’t go far enough with the non-magic dispels, they are still quite oppressive.

In fact, this is one of the dispels I have been talking about:

It does so much damage that a 25% nerf wasn’t enough to make it something that one would skip dispelling if they had that option. I want the healer to be available to heal me, too! If they have to pump all their heals into a dps because nobody is dispelling and the tank dies, or I die, that’s still pretty bad.

What you are saying:

Keys are hard in pugs because most of my groups aren’t equally and or actively contributing to mechanics. I am having to over compensate and focus more on covering for them as an active choice because the key may fail otherwise. As such I find myself not focusing on my rotation or damage output as much because my groups are poor and or bad at X key level.

I think that covers it, AND, guess what? The higher the key has gotten historically, none of this has changed; your entire argument and premise is false. What you should be blaming or focusing on is vetting pug players more if you want to push higher, spending more time on group comp when creating keys to adequately cover mechanics such as dispels, and or a solid combination of both.

And enough with harping on the dispel bs, you can’t grip, you can’t de-enrage, you can’t shiv, you can’t soothe, you can’t immune 8+ eudrax tenacles, you can’t commanding shout, well you see where this is going right? Right?

Mechanics are a pass/fail at any level of key. The consequences increase the higher the key gets

And you still can’t dispel. You’re putting more words into my mouth, I never said that there weren’t things I couldn’t do. I only said that YOU can’t dispel because of your class. That isn’t a criticism, it’s the truth. And the truth is also that the amount of dispels in this game right now are annoying.

You can call it “BS” all day, it’s the truth and it’s a point of balance that Blizzard should look into.

When I first started playing video games it was a handful of kids sitting in the floor tossing an NES controller between us on Mario deaths. Now dozens of us sit and argue amongst ourselves over whether executing mechanics more challenging than the control panel of the original Apollo mission may be asking too much. Lol

I’m really looking forward to the next great sword and shield RPG release.


I’m not here to argue, I’m here to give feedback to Blizzard.

But if people attack me, I will defend myself


Oh, it wasn’t directed at you (or anyone specifically). I just kind of had a moment of clarity while skimming and considering this forum is 24/7 hostility over what’s supposed to be fun. Like every post. Lol

Maybe the world questers are on to something.


Yeah every idea I post someone will tell me I’m “crying” or “whining” or any kind of infantalizing word like that. The other one is the whole “get gud” argument. It’s just an idea/suggestion. But the kind of person who says “whining” doesn’t understand constructive criticism as a concept generally

People are bored and unhappy, and want to try to annoy others. They’re not here to be constructive, they’re here because they enjoy giving negative feelings to other people. However what they don’t realize is that I view their responses as help, since I believe Blizzard is more likely to look at a thread with more replies

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An echo chamber is something a thread becomes. Not something you attribute to a single poster. Analogically that’s like calling one person a crowd.

In reality there is one poster in agreement and you.

There’s gaslighting and then there’s whatever reality you’re trying to create out of thin air here.

I don’t know who ultimately is right about the discussion at hand, but what I can say is that resorting to accusing the OP of living in an echo chamber, or of fishing for sympathy, then your argument cannot be that sound.

It feels like you’re arguing about something adjacent to that issue and trying to make OP have that battle with you instead.

I know you know what an echo chamber is and you surely know this isn’t it. There are four of us in this thread and I don’t count.

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In a single thread yes, but when you take the individuals post history in context it follows a pattern of. “Post opinion, get disagreed with, insult everyone who disagrees with you, praise the odd person who happens to agree as one of the sane ones, repeat with next grievance.”

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My only intention was to comment on what sounded like an absurd argument. The echo chamber is two people jammed into a coat closet saying “I don’t like this.” “Ya, me either.”

To be fair, I am remarkably easy to praise.

Here you are directly attacking me, yet I’m the one insulting others? Get real

Point to where I insulted someone in this thead.

Forum police have arrived.

TLDR, they came to the forums to complain, and will deflect, assume, and project when disagreed with.

The nature of increasing key level and difficulty has always correlated in opposition of their false argument of “not being able to blast”, as coordination and covering mechanics via cc, dispels, and so on become more important. Nor is it a blanket application to fun and or not being fun.

I am leaving the constructive criticism that I personally feel too many of the buttons I am pressing are not damage buttons.

That is my opinion. You seem like you can’t handle me disagreeing with you and have repeatedly made personal attacks and are now name-calling this person “forum police”

Stop with the name calling. You said you were leaving many times now. Just leave

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OP posted the opinion that mechanics have been both more convoluted and more important to the point that anyone without addons is essentially handicapping themselves and that feels bad and might be contributing to the reason that players are less interested in keys.

And you said, “no it isn’t” and accused them of coming to the forums for sympathy and support. That like accusing people of going to the bar just for the drinks.

Also, I 100% disagree and I think that’s what OP took issue with also.

I play hunter dps for keys and there are many many pulls during which I use Countershot, Binding Shot, Implosive and Tar traps and Intimidate and Bursting shot because there are so many casts. All of them, in one pull.

You can deflect, as you accused OP, by saying “your team should be helping” as if you knew they weren’t. The reality is that you’re probably doing way more than you even realize per pull and are being modest.

What I would say is probably the biggest difference between your experience and theirs is that they have to cast. You easily fit in two globals before they can complete two casts. Casters may not cast as much as the old days, but cancelling a spell mid cast to catch an important CC typically costs more than the lost global because you incurred the global, spent time casting and now have to start the cast again. That’s literally like 3 seconds of no damage abilities landing.

Do you play any casters this season?


Occasionally mage and warlock, but that really doesn’t change the entire basis of the complaint. The OP has been pushing into higher keys, stricter prevention/add control has always increased in priority as keys go up, and has no direct correlation to fun.

Both casters and melee are doing plenty of things in regards to mechanics, going up in key level requires that but doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty of time to hit your dps buttons and “blast”. It’s just one of a dozen complaints aimed at neutering difficulty because people aren’t as used to higher keys. And the fact they’re harping on a specific thing such as “you don’t dispel” wah wah wah is evidence of a lack of understanding or playing other specs.

Either way, as long as I know my class and or the spec im playing, there is always time to hit dps buttons, players wouldnt be pushing above 10s otherwise.

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So nothing has changed around here. Including Deevax. Glad I didn’t miss anything.

Why are you so obsessed with key levels? I actually find going below 12 to be even more annoying. 12+ are much better in comparison. Nothing in this conversation has to do with key levels except that 11 and below are even WORSE

Also I have been majorly slacking this season, if anything I am exploring lower keys so your thinly-veiled attacks against my skill mean nothing to me. Past scores have been about 3350 most recently, and 3450. While I haven’t gotten title yet unfortunately, I have been very close. So stop trying to insinuate your superiority. It rings very hollow.

Here’s your core misunderstanding. I have not said that it is impossible, or too hard. I have said that is is ANNOYING. These are two very different things. Look at the title, “fun lost”.

I don’t want the key to be easy. I want a good challenge. But walking into a cloud of mosquitos isn’t challenging, it’s just annoying. The chance that the mosquitos will kill me is very small, but they are extremely annoying. I don’t understand how one could not get this concept? It is so simple.

It takes some serious self-belief to tell someone the way they feel about something is wrong.

“I don’t like this movie because it’s feels too slow.”

“Yes you do because it isn’t.”


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if you remove all the mechanics (because they are annoying.) You’re left with a timer, and patchwerk.

Now, how many mechanics going off is acceptable to you?