No Tender For Plunderstorm, if already claimed last time? Soooo disappointing

Am I missing something, or is there no tender for Plunderstorm, if you received all the tenders last time? I am in many Facebook groups and there are 90% of players extremely disappointed by this. Personally, this was the only reason I was going to compete. Why not refresh the tender incentives for 2.0?


If you claimed them last time you cannot claim them this time.


Are we talking about the 500 Traders Tender that you can pick up for 2k plundercoin etc? If that’s a one-shot deal and it’s not repeatable then that actually blows, because I had plans to farm that to pick up the rest of the appearances I missed this month.

Just one more reason I actually hate the trading post. Feels like they had plans to plug in a purchasable currency then backpedalled hard on it but left the rest of the systems in place.


90%?! Oh my!


Yup, it was a one shot deal as I expected.

If you picked it up last time, you can’t get it this time.

On the plus side, if there were things you didn’t get last time, they are available now.


Thats a lot hahaha

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They have. They sold like 500 tenders for bundle deals.

Anyways, might I recommend skipping a mount or whatever it is takes all your tender every month?

They have included all the previous Plunderstorm rewards in the Plundershop, along with all the new rewards. The traders tender was a previous award, so it’s still there for players who missed it the first time around.

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I wish there were tenders as well. Feels bad that it was only for the first go around of PS. :frowning:


Sorry to hear this as many were looking forward to the tenders.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


This was a big disappointment for me as well… I only really wanted the new plunderlord armor, so I got that in like 25 mins last night and now there’s really nothing left for me to work toward since the other items don’t appeal to me. If I could earn tendies, I’d definitely keep playing.


It’s give an take for me. I mean the recolors are dope but if there was anything actually majority new (the hats, oars & shovel are new) I’m sure it would be a grind fest like the first Plunderstorm was. But yeah the plunder not being available for ppl that did the first Plunderstorm is kind of messed up considering how much more easier it is the get ALL of the rewards vs the grind fest the 1st Plunderstorm was. Ijs can we get some “loyalty” rewards for participating in the first one AND second one? That could’ve easily been making that tender available to purchase with Plunder AND the amount should be doubled for those that participated in the first one as a loyalty participation perk

Disappointing, I’m not interested in another recolor of the same set, mount, and pets so I was going to get the tender and be done.

Agreed. The fact that claiming it last time means you can’t claim at this time seems like an oversight. After all, you’d be using the tender to buy different items from the trading post, so it’s like a unique reward.

Regardless, it’s a huge disappointment and one that I wish Blizzard would hotfix in order to give those of us who want tender an incentive to Plunder!

If they want to make this game a thing, they definitely should reset that each time. Seems to be a big drawcard and idk if the game can survive stand alone without new rewards and I don’t mean recolours, proper new rewards

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Agreed. Most of the rewards were pretty cool, originally. They offset the negative play experiences for those less good at the event. It gave non-pvpers a reason to step into the ring. Tenders resetting each time seems like a simple thing to make most players happy.

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