No Skip for Covenant Alts?

I finished 3 of the four covenants and only have Necro to do on my Rogue. My hunter was Night Fae and my 60 Druid just finished the maw intro and Torgast save Baine when he was offered the 3rd chapter of Chains and no other skips for the covenant campaign. Am I going to have to do the entire Covenant campaign for each alt? If so, that is too much of my precious time and I will likely leave WOW for a game that cares about player time usage. Please tell me I have a skip coming.

Yep, you’ll have to do the entire campaign over again on every character you want to join a covenant on. You’ll also have to redo the 9.1 general covenant campaign on every single character.

Blizzard doesn’t care about your time, only how much money you give them.


It be better if we had choices.

Hey thrall I found your axe!

throws it off an edge to fall eternally in the in between.

Now go fetch it!


The covenant campaign is required because it opens up the 2 additional soul binds. IMO the soul binds should open up on renown level only without having to do the campaign quests.

Is there anything in the 9.1 campaign an alt could care about?

You are playing an mmo and are apparently 4 alts deep. Your time is not precious.


Ah, I look back at Legion and the Class Halls with fondness. If the Covenants had been created in the same style as the Class Halls, how much better would Shadowlands have been, I wonder?

About the only grind there was for the Class Halls was the Order Resources. Those were gathered in order to fill out a special Order Advancement tech tree. It had 6 tiers; most of the tiers were simply improvements to your mission table, but some were beneficial game stuff, such as increasing the number of legendary items you could equip. And of course each class earned class mounts, many of which I still use today. And you could earn a very decent amount of gold from the missions.

Putting such an emphasis on the Covenants and making them such a longterm grind took away any of the gloss from them for me long ago.

Another plug for my idea :slight_smile:

I’m not sure on this but I think your renown cap is limited by the campaign, so if you haven’t done any of it you’d be capped at like 7 renown lower than someone who had done the full campaign.

Maybe 9.2 at the earliest? Akin to the neck jumps in bfa (one short quest to bump neck level to 35 or 50?)

Just a guess.

There is that.

And more of the story can add more dailies.

So if you want max chance at rolls for items not anima (since yeah we get this alot now) you will run the story out. again…

I guess it’s too soon to tell but I figured you would just cap at 79 instead of 80.