No siren isle quest for alts

I posted this earlier but for some reason it put the post in another forum.
On my alt, 80 hunter, I can’t get the siren isle quest. It’s been suggested I have to complete the main quest storyline? Is that right or am I missing something?

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I haven’t received a quest pop up on my main and she finished the story line, could be just a bug. I didn’t plan on going there until Friday anyways.

i can only tell you that my alts were able to pick up the start quest for the siren isle, go there, and then quest skip everything. my alts have not done the campaign quest. the quest was near khadgar.

I went to the “city hall” where the quartermaster lives, the quests were there on the right as you walk in the door. This was on an alt that hadn’t done the story, but my main has, anyway hope this helps.


I just took a level 80 that hadn’t set foot in TWW until today. Took them straight to where the Siren Isle quest is, hopped on the transport and got there.

This toon, main has done all the storyline.

Different alt:

Just now


Had no issues doing it on alts that picked up the initial quest and then skipped (optionally) the isle content to get the ring.

You don’t need to complete the main campaign on alts if you have done it at least once, but if you haven’t completed it on any character, I can’t really comment, I know it locks a lot of content out.

Jokes on blizz, all I have is alts.

no, wait, thats on me.
