No servers are currently available (BLZ51934200)

Thats what i get for tea bagging Azshara,lol.

How do you know its a DDOS attack?

what a day to have bought a new computerā€¦come back to WoW & being in the process of setting up my addons. ha ha ā€¦/sob.

its a sign. hahah

Same for me as well. Even tried PTR loginā€¦ the PTR will let me login but cannot access PTR server that my PTR toons are on even though it looks like it would let me create a toon on a different PTR server?

Because this is how it happens when NOONE can log into the game which means its been hacked and blizzard needs to either jump in or Shut the Servers down has happened in the past

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Sounds like a lot of assumptions really. All iā€™m saying.

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Same issue, Garrosh Server.

The launcher now has an alert saying:
We are aware of an issue that is affecting our authentication servers, which may result in slow or failed login attempts. We are currently investigating the cause and will provide updates as they are available. Please follow @BlizzardCS on Twitter for further updates.

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Canada is still up and going as far as i know

Same here, Moon Guard server.

got the same problem(no servers available). FFS i raiding in a a hourā€¦

Guess not.

RIP lol bed time i guess

Tried to connect from NZ - same problem

Manny times in fact