No RP-PvP for Classic

According to Ion’s Q&A today. That’s unfortunate. :frowning:


It’s amazing how Blizzard continues to not get it. This move makes no sense.


Blizzard doing Blizzard things.


I guess its time to call it Classic Light. After all, it’s ignoring something that made Classic what it was.


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just know that classic is not gona be vanilla in a lot of ways for one… two, bliz barely got talked into giving u guys classic and still have no confidence in it’s prosperity so, ur lucky u get a classic let alone any different server choices… three, server types shouldn’t matter as u can turn any of the few servers they dedicate to this into rp/pvp server if u can get enough like minded ppl in there…

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I think they are trying to recreate the authentic Vanilla experience by offering RP-PvP servers sometime after launch IF Classic is really popular.

I might just wait for that instead of getting invested on another server.

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Surprised they are doing rp servers. Not that i will play it, still surprised tht anyone would Actually be able to rp back in time.


How is that hard? To keep it fresh, play a race different than what you have in the past.

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I look to the future and present instead of living in the past. Again just a thought. I will most likely try it out to reinforce what i hate (agility cloth yay) on a gnome mage again (what i was in bc) but most likely just play on a normal or pvp realm