Upgrade my sanctum to get the portal to Oribos inside my base. Saves having to walk down and use the flight path. But then to get back to base I still have to use the flight path. Imagine how HUGE it would have been if there was a return portal. That would have been so worth the 10,000 anima to upgrade. Well the 17,000 total anima or whatever it was to get to level 3 from 0.
They probably will.
For the cost of 25,000 anima.
It’s hard to fathom a modern WoW expac without these ports. I’m hoping there will (eventually) be ports to our sanctums where the covenant emissaries are next to the room with Bolvar. Part of the 9.1 narrative mentions the covenants working together more. Bam, there’s your lore tie in right there.
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I thought there would be a return portal since every other portal is 2 way. Wasted opportunity on Blizzard’s part.
“We made it so you still have to fly back because we feel players like using the flight paths.”
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i have my hearth set to my coves home now. "/shrug "
My hearth is orgrimmar. For the feels
After I collected all of the anima to get the portal, bought it, then saw it was only one way, I stopped doing all dailies and collecting anima. All I’ve been doing since is running old expansions for mounts. My 30 day game time (which Blizz took away/GL w/that) is up in around 10 days, and I’m done. This expansion is the most unrewarding, and boring, grind-fest, so there’s no point in continuing. I feel great about it, too. I’m not a WoW hater, played since vanilla, but this is the end. It’s not even worth 50 cents a day, IMO. It’s over.
Use the hearthstone back to your sanctum. Easy to Oribos and easy back home.
I use my Cloak of Coordination if I want to port to SW without going via Oribos.
If you are getting around quickly, then you are doing it wrong. 
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Honestly, I’d settle for just having all those weekly Oribos quests and the vault accessible from my sanctum. Won’t need a portal to Oribos if there’s no reason to visit Oribos.
taps on forehead
I luckily saw that it would be one way and decided to upgrade my stitchyard to level 3. Couldn’t be happier with how I spent 10K anima
this expansion i kinda miss the Garrison honestly XD everything was in 1 spot haha
Thats not true at all. Many portals will take you to rooms which have other portals and unless one of the portals was in orgrimaar/stormwind, the other wasn’t guaranteed to have a portal back. For example the BFA portal room had portals to 2 cities that didn’t have portals back to BFA. The portal from stormwind to Legion doesn’t have a portal back at the exact location you are dropped at, instead you have to fly to dalaran first and then get the portal. I think the same is true for the caverns of time portal.
I meant the portals you get from the portal system in the covenant sanctum. As far as I know the Oribos portal is the only 1 way.
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Agree, nothing is more frustrating that using the Rank 3 Travel Network System portal from your covenant to Oribos with NO portal to return you back yet you’re mostly “forced” to either use your hearthstone or flight (if HS is on CD) which takes longer. I guess two way portals don’t apply in Shadowlands yet we can come and go as we please through the Mirror network in Revendreth beginning at Rank 1 
Where is your campsite then?
My Vulpera has the camp in Oribos, hearth at sanctum.
That sounds like a you problem. Set your hearthstone to your covenant sanctum. There’s a cloak and plenty of portals to go to Orgrimmar.
I have a friend who mentioned being bummed there was no return portal to the covenant from Oribos. I never thought it was a big deal because the hearthstone CD is short but OP is not alone.
When I personally encountered this… it just broke my spirit… I didn’t even log in a character for a couple days. Farmed all that anima, got excited for my shortcut to Oribos and… no port back…
For ten thousand anima. At least 10 days of farming for me.
This is one more “what’s the point” moment brought to you by the financially successful World of Warcraft: Shadowlands™!!
Really. What is the point anymore?
Every question I ask, the game answers “No” and it feels. like. crap.