No rend viable?

Hello everyone. I have begun leveling a new warrior and want to make a build without Rend in it. Is it viable? or is it a huuge dps loss not to take rend? thanks

All Arms and Prot Warriors use Rend.


Yes I know. This is my 4th warrior in years and always used it as well until DF. Just wondered if now we can make a warrior with no Rend in it. I want to make a warrior that just do pure damage instead of bleeds haha.

Not a thing unless you’re playing Fury.

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no, arms is a bleed spec, you need bleeds

It is.

Unless you do for the lolz, not worthy


Go bleed/rendless on your LFR and Delves, np.

No rend at all?

You’re just cutting off your legs to spite your face at that point.

No Skull Splitter? Go right ahead and pick another point instead of your choosing if you really hate the accelerated bleeds that much. Truth be told SkS only ever sees use in pure ST fights, M+ and AoE in a fight have other options that are increases or net gains over it.

I don’t get why people seem so adverse to DoT management. It gives you something else to keep an eye on, even then you only recast it during the pandemic window or if you’re disengaging off a target and wont be able to reapply before it drops off.

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yeah, for the lolz is quite nice, playing the spec you wish it was

Because its the very last thing you would expect a warrior to be doing, its unfun and goes against the class/spec fantasy.

If i want to do dot management i would log on my rogue


Ok thanks everyone. Guess I will just try for the lolz since I am just waiting for 11.1 patch content and just leveling alts now to take advantage of bonus xp etc. and try out other classes to play for season 2 etc.

This is pretty reasonable to drop, at least. I’ve always hated this ability.


They maybe talking about a PVP build. Bajheera was testing out a no rend colossus build in battle grounds. Other than that, I can’t see a reason not to take rend.

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Feels antithetical to the fantasy of Arms. Why is the supposed master of armed melee combat incapable of delivering precise and decisive strikes, but are instead all about gore and blood? What kind of tactical battle-hardend war veteran would let their enemies slowly bleed out rather than giving them a clean and swift kill?

On that note, why is the forthing berserker who kill their targets with a thousand cuts and got the word “blood” in half of its talents not about bleeds? The reason you die from all those cuts is because you bleed out. But Fury is all about stringing continuous overpowering blows together. Which you’d think would be Arms thing.


Im no top end player by any means. Mostly just random bgs and the occasional lfr. I have been playing no rend build all expansion with no problems. Im specced into it, but i just rely on tclap and mortal strike to apply it. If you play content that isnt cutting edge then it doesnt really matter how you play your class/spec

Bigger, harder more precise hits inducing internal bleeding or bigger gaping wounds. It’s not that hard to imagine, man.


If you give a bigger and more precise hit you straight up kill the target, dont bleed then like a pig


So you want every hit (that is deliberate or methodical) to be a one-shot, did I get that right?

I don’t play arms anymore, but I’ll do my best to craft a build for you that ignores rend.

If you are doing pve I would think you have to have rend. If you are doing pvp there are some builds where you are just going for burst and don’t really need the extra pad. But yeah for the most part you should always go rend even if it’s underwhelming atm.

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I never use rend as prot. I do just fine when tanking.

Now this is crazy to me because you pretty much spam clap on cooldown in aoe, and prot is the only spec that uses tc as a rage builder baseline.

That’s a ton of st and aoe dps loss compared to arms, which has to spend rage to spread rend and could potentially make better use of cleave or sweeping strikes ms in two-target situations.