No reason to still play Blizzard games in 2020

There isn’t a single Blizzard game that another developer hasn’t done better.

Just take your pick for genre and go to google, you’ll find something better than what Blizzard offers for all of 'em.

Blizzard definitely isn’t what she used to be and it shows. They’re riding mostly on their early successes and early fans. With them screwing their employees, plus their carefully plucked most profitable political stances, I’d recommend finding an alternative to your favorite Blizzard game.

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I like wow just fine. Heroes and D3 from time to time to. Your topic is very subjective and thus requires you and others who believe the same to find something else if you’re unhappy with modern Blizzard games.

Blizzard isn’t improving, that’s for sure.

That said, there isn’t another developer who makes a better MMO.

I play FF14 as well, and I don’t think it’s objectively “better”. It does some things better but a lot of things worse.

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I recommend you learn the difference between having an opinion and projecting your opinion onto other people as a fact. I personally can think one two valid reasons for anyone to play blizzard games;
1 - they have fun playing them
2- to piss you off

motion for mods to change title to “No reason for me to still play Blizzard games in 2020”


Depends on what you’re looking for, I think. If you’re only looking for the best of X genre, you might be right, but I suspect the equation is more complex for a lot of us. Personally I don’t really care if a game is the best X or Y if its franchise/universe/etc isn’t also something I care about. The game’s aesthetics have to be right, too. In the case of MMOs, I have yet to come across anything that checks either of these boxes as well as WoW does.

Yet your still playing a Blizzard game in 2020. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The title of this thread is extremely subjective and your trying to past it off as some sort of fact or something, when really it’s just your subjective opinion.

This honestly kinda applies to any sort of developer, I mean in the same vein that theirs always somebody else that does something better then Blizzard, so too to Squanenix, Rockstar, EA, Ubisoft, Konami, Capcom, Bethesda, Warner Bros, and so on.

To pretend it’s only Blizzard is a little disingenuous, if your saying that, that has to apply to all.

Neither is any other company i’ve listed.

Same thing with the other companies.

I agree with the sentiment that employees should be paid in full and should be treated and protected, to speak in general terms and not skip lunch so they can pay their CEO even more money that they don’t need.

You do realize every company does this? They do it because it can be a profitable trend.

I yet to find an interesting alternative to WoW because they don’t interest me beyond just a casual observation. I’m honestly not interesting in Final Fantasy enough to buy or even try FF14, TES:online is pointless to me since i have Skyrim (because i prefer my Elder Scrolls single-player, offline and with mods.), GW2 was fun for a bit when i first bought it, but it’s nothing that would keep my attention as much as WoW. And while SWTOR is the only MMO that caught my attention, of coarse, it has to be ruined with silly microtransactions to a point where you have to buy the game in order to get another action bar (WoW trial doesn’t even do that) because EA had to EA the game up. Bunch of Vultures. :roll_eyes:

I never had interest in RTS types like Starcraft or Diablo or the old warcraft games where your looking down at a bird’s eye, controlling multible units via mouse click, i might have in the past, but those don’t generally interest me and i just find them boring. The only top down perspective games like that i love are The Sims and City building games like the old Simcity games or Cities Skylines.

While on the Topic, i did tried LoL by trying to get for the feel of the game, but the controls was too different for me to fully get into it. Heroes was a little better for me being casual friendly, but after the Primal Flamesaber event, i uninstalled it since i only played it for that.

I used to play Magic the Gathering and i had fun times with it playing with my friends, the actual cards that is. Hearthstone was a bit of an obvious choice at the time for me, back in 2014. It last shorter then Heros, and the only reason i played it is to get the hearthsteed mount, but i gave up on it because it just wasn’t interesting. I stopped playing cards around the 2016 point, because i have lost interest in it simply.

Disgusting monetization and popularization of child gambling aside (Though TF2 is guilty of this, even though it’s F2P and OW isn’t), Overwatch is pretty great (even though i only play against bots), with differing heroes with differing abilities in an FPS ala Moba with story and lore behind the characters and the world they are in. Especially since this is a clone of TF2, but obviously more politically correct and has a dab of moba in it, as well being more polished then TF2. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still the best online shooter out there, but it can be kinda jank at times.

Sounds like a disgruntled employee.
Someone that did NOT get the drop they wanted .
So, instead of moving on ?
striking out is they retort .

While I am an aging and slowly falling apart individual ? This is still. The BEST outlet for Me to leave the real world problems behind. The ones I have No control over.
To a lesser set of problems. With a better chance of making me happy.
Yes, we are ALL entitled to our opinion’s ! Voicing is how we move forward.
Hence the reason I even replied.
Wow has the best lure for me. And the Best outlet for my unspent energy