No RDF = Blizzard Not Respecting Players Time

If you meant late wrath, like when ICC was content i would lump them in as well. Because OG wrath we did not have RDF until ICC


Blizzard’s entire business strategy for a decade has been to waste as much of the players’ time as possible.

I know, I played then. I’d still put money on a lot of people starting then but still being pro-rdf simply because of being new to the game they aren’t going to be approaching endgame very quickly. By the time they were probably ready, ICC was probably coming out soon.

edit: Mind you, I am pro-RDF, but this overdramatic stuff ain’t it.

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Source please.

The nonsensical red herrings these clowns come up with is astounding.

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Maybe you should play on an Aussie server! Exclamation mark!


GO BACK TO R… nevermind, og Wrath did have rfd.


As a catch up mechanic with ICC.

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anyone who likes no rdf is a simp loser defending a harmful company

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Anyone who is giving money to a company they feel is harmful is an idiot.

Lookie, I can make broad generalizations too.

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I’ve never had any issue to find groups with the LFG tool. It always took me less than 10min and didn’t had to spam the chat even once.


soon you will see the light, anti-rdfer

I am pro-RDF. I am anti-moron.

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blizzard is a harmful company because rdf is what sells the game. i am subbed to the game to fight for my rights to have rdf. its not a privilege it is a right

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“Anyone who says the opposite of my lame opinion is (insert juvenile insult)”

That’s you, that’s what you sound like.

Stop being rude, pushing your identity politics, or being a jerk in lfg and you will be fine. We know this for a fact. How? We did it the first time around.

Then stop paying them.



Thank you. That was my point as well. I think they should add RDF sometime, but be damned if I am going to let piss poor behavior slide just because we may both want RDF added.

im just bored dont be mad at me mommy

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Alright, it’s your money.

I came back because they removed RFD.

You’re not entitled or owed anything. It makes me absolutely sick seeing this.

If the company doesnt meet your expectations, simply unsub and leave.
This “bake me my cake” crap needs to end. The world is growing sick of it.