<No Queue> Guild loot leader gave a balance druid Calamity's Grasp for OS roll?!

I really wanted the weapon and thought it would be mine as its bis for my combat OS, and for no one else it was bis. Even for feral its just a stat stick. I trusted the guild before that because we had a mostly smooth run, but I was wrong. I also remember someone else getting upset over a non bis roll off but mine is even worse because feral druids use a staff. This was a LFG run with mostly members. The loot leader also allowed a DK to get these bis BoE gauntlets even tho the DK already had a bis tier piece.
Link to pictures - https://twitter.com/Olbefr/status/1591490732078272512?s=20&t=fyq8UfMDSn_m_ZNHGcp9fQ

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