No quest link after beating Major Payne


Seeing an issue trying to start battle pet cataclysm. Defeated major Payne but he doesn’t give me a quest to go back to Audrey burnhep.

I only had a single character on my account. I read that creating a second character in the same faction and going to collect the quest at either these two could work but it didn’t in my attempt.

I have checked my achievements and I have all of the correct tamer victories and the next has to be cataclysm.

I’m out of ideas and stuck

Did you defeat him while doing the quest for him? You might have to be on the previous quest before that one spawns.

And you can check if the games thinks you did. In chat copy and paste this line and run it:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(31928))

The check for the quest after Major Payne is:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(31966))


Thanks for responding.

Yes I went to the location prompted by the quest. And beat him, however he just gives a standard line and no other prompts.

I’ve since gone back and beating him a number of times during the daily quests however still nothing.

The game shows I beat him. And I have the achievement.