No Quest Completion After Killing Mor'geth

Killed Mor’geth twice, didn’t recieve quest completion or Anima for the world quest.


Same here, tried a solo hit with a raid nearby & a raid group hit no dice. I got loot from the boss just not WQ credit.

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Bumping, same happened to me.

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Same happened to me on two different characters.

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Yep, same here. No quest completion.

Same. Two attempts on mage

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Same here no anima

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killed him 4 times in 4 different raids. no loot, no anima, nothing…as a tank obviously BUGGED.

No Credit or anima. Attempted him twice, did notice both kills gave 25% credit towards the weekly though, might be related to his death not fully flagging.

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Tried twice myself, once in raid, once just tagging. No quest completion

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Same here. I got loot but no quest completion credit.

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Yep, no credit for me and a handful of others that just took him down. Got Condensed Anima Sphere conduit thing from him, though.

Same issue here, joining a raid. Got credit for Shaping Fate, but no actual quest credit or anima.


Also happened with me. No World Quest credit only.

Same, no credit after 4 different raid group kills and a tag.

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same for me.

Four times? Ugh, that fight takes forever as it is, go take a rest, you deserve it


Same here. Bump! Killed 3 times and no credit. Got the loot though.

Bump! Same problem here. Killed and got the loot but no credit at all.

same here killed 2 times