No Pressure AOTC Team: ┌»Undermined Recruitment«┘ [Tues 7:30 - 9:30 EST]

Still recruiting, and highly interested in players who mainly want social Heroic runs + a few mythic kills - reach out today, we’re here for you!

We’ve got 2 slots open for our core mythic raiding team: Holy pally and boomkin. 3/10M currently.

We are also welcoming players that don’t want to be on a mythic prog team and are interested in m+ keys, casual heroic raids, and pvp.

We’re still looking for a bit of magic in the form of a holy pally and a boomkin.

Hit us up!

Sun king went down tonight! Now 4/10M and still looking for a Holy Pally for our core raid team.

Another boss dowwwnnn… Shriek, Hunts, Hungering, Sun King & Inerva… progging Artificer. We are on the look-out for mist monk, mage, and boomkin. Please reach out if interested!


Arty got utterly destroyed by us. Now 6/10M and looking for a MW monk, a mage, and a boomkin as we move on to council. You don’t have to be 6/10 to join our team. We’re looking for mechanics focused team players (as opposed to parse lords who treat every boss as a patchwerk fight). If that’s you, come trial with us if you’re interested in mythic raiding or pushing some keys.

We are looking for a trial who perhaps is a ww monk with mw off-spec OR mains a mw… reach out today if you’re interested!

Still recruiting, with a strong need for MW Monk!

Recruitment is still open… Bob Ross’ing our way to 7/10 tonight on Council, starting Sludge on Thursday… "There are no mistakes, just happy accidents"…

Interested in Mythic raiding, or maybe just Heroic and some fun? Reach out to us!

Recruitment is still on-going, reach out today!

Hey there. Not sure if you’re looking to fill a Tank spot for next patch but if you are feel free to message me at Simplytrash#1850 on discord.

If you’re a mythic raider and looking for a new guild for next tier mythic, we’re currently recruiting! Our highest priorities next tier are:

MW Monk
MM Hunter

We welcome other specs and classes as well to come trial with us.

Looking to get back into Mythic raiding for 9.1, 2 nights/week, in a nontoxic raid environment? No Pressure might be the perfect fit for you. We’re open to any excellent raider, though we are especially looking for a MW monk, hunter, mage, and boomkin.

We raid T/Tr 7-10 EST. We also have an optional Raid Saturday evenings for mains/alts.

Still recruiting all classes… pst for info! We are still progging in Castle AND looking into next tier. Progging on Sludgefisty.

We are still looking to add to our mythic roster and guild in general.

We’re progging on Mythic Sludge and still recruiting for this tier and next. If you’re not looking to raid until next tier that’s completely fine; you can still join this tier! We’re also recruiting for keys, pvp, and normal/heroic raids.

Recruitment is still open. Reach out today for more info. We welcome all skill sets, there’s room to grow for the avid player as well as the casual nomad. :v:

9.1 rolling in, Recruitment Up! Pst for more info with NP (No Pressure)!

Recruitment is still open for new tier with NP.

Recruitment is open for 9.1 Sanctum of Domination Raid with NP - reach out today to find out more!

:warning:Update: As of June10th, NP will officially begin break from Mythic Castle of Nathria. Don’t fret, during this time we still schedule 1 “Fun Night” a week to dabble in BGs, Tmogs, and raid achievements such as Glory of the Nathria Raider. Break will end when new patch launches, and let the trials begin!:warning: