No Pressure AOTC Team: ┌»Undermined Recruitment«┘ [Tues 7:30 - 9:30 EST]

Tuesday update, still recruiting!

Wednesday update, we are still recruiting.

:wave: recruitment up!

Still seeking avid, experienced players

Still recruiting 3-4 dps.

Recruiting DPS for mythic.

Still recruiting raiders

Recruitment for dps

We are still seeking mythic experienced raiders. Reach out today.

A few slots left for recruitment. Reach out, love to chat.

Still looking to add skilled players to our core team. If you’re progression minded and looking for a good combination of a fun and talented raid group, contact me to set up a trial. We’re especially looking for a boomkin and fire mage. We’re always open to talented players in other classes.

Bnet: Liarparadox#1170

Still recruiting DPS positions.

Hungering down tonight - nice prog kill and we’re moving to Sun King. Still recruiting for additional slots, pst us for more info.

Still recruiting. Hungering went down. Sunking is next. Welcoming skilled players to trial with us.

Progression mythic team, recruitment is still open. Reach out to speak with us on team environment, requirements and more information.

Recruitment is still open, reach out today to trial.

Recruitment is Up!

If you’re interested in a more casual Mythic+ with Heroic clears - pm us… we do that too! Plenty of weekly guild keys so you don’t have to deal with the pesky pugs!

Are you a MM hunter, a Holy Pally, a Boomy? Are you a Heroic Raider wanting to develop Mythic Raid skills but unsure where to start?

Start by reaching out to us! We’re here to answer any inquiries, and give trials! Even if you’re not the class listed above, still reach out. Exceptional players make exceptional things happen… we’re for it!

We’ve still got some slots open on our core raid team. 3/10M and heading to Sunking tonight.

Especially looking for a holy pally, MM hunter, and Boomy.

Don’t want to be on the core mythic team but still enjoy a skilled social community to do m+, heroic raiding, with the possibility of coming to join us for a mythic boss on farm?

We’re also adding to our community beyond mythic raiding. Reach out to us!