No Player housing

Imagine the cries from people that don’t want to do group content when they can’t get the table recolor that raiders get.

Player housing seems like an idea that just snowballs into complaint after complaint if it was ever implemented.

Until WoW killed it lol

It’s okay Snozberries. I will be patient.

Then that’s too bad, isn’t it?

Exactly, while it sounds fun in theory it’s not worth adding. Everyone will find a problem with it one way or another.

WoW has killed or outdone every MMO that has come along since 2004.

And it did that without player housing.

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It also did it without xmog, doesn’t mean it was a bad feature to add.

Yes, but it wasn’t a major update to add it was just there if you had gold.

It was added with Cata, it was a major update to the game. It wasn’t just dropped in a filler patch.

Yes, because it was new and took quite a bit to do. But nowadays, transmog is optional and you are not forced to do it. If Blizzard adds player housing then they’ll probably add furniture that some of it can only be added obtained in raids.

Should stop pretending to be smart.

Eww can we switch that around to ‘FFXIV’s Coke to WoW’s Pepsi’? I hate Coke! :laughing:

But seriously, no offense to Ion, I like him well enough, but he is a raider. As much as it pains me to say it, that’s where his focus is, what he enjoys, so that is what we will have more of in WoW. I think if a director loved housing, they’d find a way to make that a priority.

MMOs are vast worlds, with so much land and fantasy outside of dungeons, there could be (and should be), a lot of activities focused in the outdoor gameplay. Let’s face it, the quest for Sam and Frodo to destroy the ring was great and all, but once it was completed, life went on outside of Mount Doom.

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The majority of the player base raid at some capacity.

This game has always been about raiding and group content. I really don’t understand why people have a hard time understanding this.

WoW has all this. Companies aren’t going to spend money on dev time to implement something that won’t make them money.

I understand raiding/grouping is part of the game, but how many different raid types/difficulties do you need? People have normal raids, LFR, Mythic, probably some in there I’m missing.

But people seem to forget there’s an RPG side of it, too, and a whole world. Players have so many raid/dungeons/grouping options to choose from, but get upset because someone would like a house for the RP side of it, even if it’s just a 1 room apartment to place your belongings, like EQ did. And who says you need to just hang out in it all day?

I could argue that if one wants to take the ‘world’ out of World of Warcraft, and you just want to spam raids and dungeons all day, why don’t they just make ‘Warcraft: Dungeon and Raid Simulator’ where all you do is press Start and you enter your dungeon or raid with your group of friends/others. Seems easier than wasting your time traveling or letting the RPG side of things get in your way.

I would say “nudge” is a mild term for what has happened over the years. Clearly their intent was to fully convert casuals, solo players, and those who merely play the game as a pastime into full-time participants in competitive end game.

They have been trying this for years. It has failed over and over again. You can’t turn people who don’t want to do difficult content, who don’t want to be hardcore, into competitive types for whom playing the game the one true way is the only thing that matters. And it matters so much they should go on a crusade to forcibly convert others by showing how happy this makes them.

It will continue to fail. They have not learned this. They’re still sure they can bring back 10 million players who have left since cata with changes intended to “nudge” players into content they don’t want to play and try to get them to play with people who don’t want to be their friends.


I agree and would even go so far as to say it’s been getting worse since Ion took the lead. He seems to think he can return the game to it’s vanilla days even though that game already exists as classic.

On the subject of player housing, I still stand by the thought that, if they had started working on it in the background after garrisons ended up being a failure, we would probably have player housing by now.

People have problems with raids, M+ and PvP as well. Hell I’ve heard issues with World Quests. Should we just remove those areas of the game entirely?


Its not a part of the game. Its the MAIN game.

You arent understanding that the number of people that want this is a minority.

You are the one that is playing a game thats primary endgame is raiding and mplus/pvp

There is an entire world out there, just because there isnt housing doesnt mean the world isnt open.

Those are vital parts of the game that make Warcraft, removing those things will lose the esports attraction and several million players juat because u cant do m+ due to not socialiIng wjth people doesnt mean it ahould be removed

Yeah, people need to remember when they’re like “durr garrisons failed therefore any player-owned structure system = failure”, that the promise of garrisons was “a little bit of the RTS in your RPG” and what was delivered was “facebook waiting game”.

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My dude, people have been asking for it for over a decade.

There’s been a half-hearted attempt with Garrisons, that’s it.

You probably don’t need to say “please no”, cause they’re not doing it.


(P.S. I would spend HOURS on my own Orc Burrow, and traditional player housing in MMOs is optional content, so if it did ever happen… Nobody would make you do it.)