No Phys. Authenticator = A Bad Trend

I didn’t even know physical authenticators were a thing until a few days ago, so I can’t say I’m overly concerned with them no longer being manufactured. That being said, i can understand how the potential for change can be unsettling. However, seeing as smart phones, and by extention, google and apple aren’t required, I’m not sure why this upsets you so much.

Also, we’re going to need an Akston Authenticator. He changed his mog and I didn’t realize it was him.

No, you cannot.

Didn’t think so. Which I personally think is stupid but oh well I’m just a formerly banned degenerate so what does my opinion matter?

Not sure about that. I simply replied in kind, and that’s pretty handily reinforced by the fact that we have the same three people, yourself not included, posting non-stop insinuating claims like “Conspiracy” “Sunday” or “Tin-Foil”.

None of these things contribute to the dialogue but have every intent of squelching it. I think Tseric would of called them the “mobs of psychology” but that’s neither here nor there.

Regardless, I think it’s a good thing to discuss, and I’ll amend the point on Google / Apple since it seems that’s detracting from the core of the argument. I merely pointed out that since they are the biggest 2 Telecom / Smart Phone OS providers, that logically it would make the most sense that they profit the most by such moves; namely by the societal trend to use / rely more on specific mediums to access digital goods.

Since this is basically the same thread as the other one, I’m going to repost my response.

Sorry not sorry. If you don’t live in the middle of nowhere and do not have the choice to use more modern technologies, you have no excuse to complain when technology leaves you behind.

Yeah I got banned once because I made an off-hand comment that implied a dev self-insert might have the appropriate characteristics of being a male.

What companies trying to make money off their consumers? Never seen that before.

I don’t think it’s the same Dreta. All I’ve ever said in this thread is:

“This is where we look to be headed as a collective. What is your take? Good? Bad? Why? If good, then please explain. For my part, it seems a little concerning, because I see a lot of potentials for abuse; and this [insert position] is how I see it being abused.”

Folks should know by now. When I make a thread I’m not arguing one way or the other. Rather, I just want to see arguments, not passion. I like to hear other people’s perspective on the subject. I’ve always been fond of the concept Plato and Socrates use where Debate and Argument is employed to further one’s understanding.

Thus, what I want are merely well reasoned dialogues that discuss the points, and either refute or elaborate on them. That’s all I seek from the thread. It’s all I seek out of ‘any’ thread if I’m going to be candid.

I stopped reading at inevitable. Dictionary meaning: certain to happen; Unavoidable (Google) incapable of being avoided (Merriam Webster) so the wall of text posted, by the very definition of the word inevitable is moot.

By all means if you see it not as inevitable, I would love to hear why you feel so? It certainly seems a logical premise that society will continue to rely more and more on a portable digital device down the road for various needs that are made more convenient by the device?

Literally no one who isn’t nursing a conspiracy theory can write like 30 paragraphs inciting people to “think about it” in regards to cell phone usage becoming a near-universal norm.

This whole thread is a half-step away from the “BUT WHAT IF ONE DAY AN EMP GOES OFF AND ALL OUR DEVICES SHUT OFF FOREVER” nutjobs.


So what you’re saying is that your thread is a bait and that you have no opinion on it. Got it.

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I am neither agreeing or disagreeing with your premise, logic or argument. Inevitable means that it’s gonna happen whether you, or anyone else likes it or not. Nes Pas.

By your logic, are you saying that your reply was attempt to bait me in turn then?

Because you have nothing to actually analyze here. You’re looking at a bad movie and some sci fi conspiracy theories as if they are going to end up ruling our lives completely. If you want to start going through actual news sources and real points, then sure.

But companies pulling products or closing doesn’t automatically cease your access to those products either. Look at Ultraviolet. They just recently shut down. I still have every single movie that I bought through them. So that point you tried to make about digital downloads is incorrect. Even Amazon tells you to just download the content to keep it for yourself.

Not to mention, absolutely none of this has to do with a security feature for a game.

You pulled out some next level drama when all you had to say was, “I don’t use this technology and won’t have a way to keep my account safe now.”

Also: "would have"

I just think it’s hilarious that OP is naive enough to think that the U.S. government isn’t already tracking every. last. word. posted on the internet.

I used to live ~15 minutes from the new NSA datacenter in Utah. They’re not using 1.5 million square feet of storage for cat videos, yanno?


Times do change… you either move forward or get left behind.

I’m actually surprised physical authenticators lasted this long.

Stop being poor. If you can’t afford cheapest 150 dollar smart phone or can’t run VMware then it sounds like a -you- problem. Also your post is about telecommunications taking over world has nothing to do with World of Warcraft except for authenticators which you can again. VM android. Or get a cheap smart phone that you only connect to wifi if you’re that broke.

Times have changed. Move with it or get left in the dust.

Actually, that’s not true for everyone. I don’t know the reasoning behind it or why some can still hit TL3 again and others can’t, but it might depend on how many times or severity of situation.

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You actually can… either that or I have slipped under the radar.
