No Phys. Authenticator = A Bad Trend

OP just saw a tree fall down and is worried what will happen if all the other trees fall in the same direction. If he were up here in my helicopter, he’d realize the tree fell down because a space giant farted and he thinks it stinks. But it’s actually a good thing, because the space giant is facing away from him and he’s not the one about to get stepped on. And I won’t get stepped on, because I’m in a helicopter and I’m just like a little bug who sees and flits away from space giant feet. I don’t imagine I’ll ever be in charge of anything, but I know what’s what at least.

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Here’s the winner. Case closed, we can all go home now.


No. OP is trying to make a logical debate which the replying party is doing all in their power to deride, because they had nothing witty or otherwise intelligent to say, and they lack the ability not to reply because they must have the last word always.

If one takes the time to read everything, they will find I am talking about the fact that down the road we’re going to be in a scenario where some manner of computer will be the central nervous system of a household. Call it a Cell-Phone, a Tablet, or whatever. Digital mediums / ventures are the future, and if you don’t see that coming you should probably log out of WoW for a few because you’ve missed a lot.

This trend most definitely can be a wonderful thing on one hand. But at the same time, it would be completely foolish to not consider the other ways it could be abused. In every system, there is a proclivity for things to be abused.

The ultimate question here I think is:

“How do we achieve A. since society is going that way, while minimizing B. or the potential detriments?”

It does no one any favors when even discussing the issue is deemed conspiracy theory. That’s more akin to behaving like an Ostrich and sticking their head in the sand. The sky isn’t falling, but I think we would do well to look to reinforcing our foundations, since:

“Times Change” to quote Ryuk.


And you thought this was insightful enough to waste space on the WoW forums.

Who cares? Take it to r/technology or something. It’s only here because it was the most tangential of possible tenuous connections with the WoW Authenticator.

I still use my authenticator. Sits right on my computer desk! Hasn’t died yet.

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MIne’s on a keychain on the bedroom floor.

I’m sure it still works though.

Wow . . . relics of the ancient days! :smiley:

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Everything is abused at one point or another. Its always a trial and error thing and plainly, sh*t happens. It’s a race. We can never be 100% protected from anything.

I think you meant “Alexa.”

You used a whole lot of words to basically say:

“Google and Apple bad.”

Loosen the tin foil and take your pseudo-intellectual drivel some place else.



Yeah I’m pretty sure I got it in Lich when I couldn’t afford a smartphone because they were super expensive.

But you know, then I actually kept up with technology and didn’t live my life in a paranoid delusion based on a really, really, really bad rewrite of Blade Runner/Gattaca.

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Lay off the drugs, man. That crap is messing with your mind.


Do you not have phones meme aside the vast majority of people do have phones so if they don’t go to make physical authenticators that reduces overhead for manufacturing and distribution. distribution is never cheap.

Seems like a no-brainer if you’re looking to cut costs.

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Makes sense! I’m fairly certain my husband still has his, and he started playing in Wrath, too!

Jesus, you don’t even have to use an app either. They can just send you a SMS if you can’t afford a smartphone or a data plan.



It’s a cost effective measure, but nice try Sunday post.

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OP saw a tree fall down, and is trying to connect it to aliens on Mars.

Two completely different things, where the conclusion has nothing to do with the premise.

There is nothing logical about your premise. At least I can disagree without insulting people personally. And only point out how the statements don’t make sense.


I like how you skipped over the fact that it’s on the bedroom floor. In which I obviously know exactly such old technology is, but I haven’t bothered to move it to a location that doesn’t imply I’m sloppy.

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I like you. Not sure if I can get to level 3 because I’ve been temp banned before but thanks for posting that.