I honestly couldn’t care less if this was about reducing costs, because layers are bad for the game and lead to mega realms. Whether it’s one bird or two birds with one stone makes no difference to me.
Mobs/ore/herbs all will hyperspawn when a zone is being picked clean on Mankirk.
when did they remove layers? i was getting multiple guru trinkets on my twink like a week ago with layers.
ive only been in AV since so i havnt noticed.
Wrong. Try harder.
Actually it is correct. 1 layer with X players and Y resources is the same over all ratio of resources as 2 layers with 2x players and 2y resources.
Really not rocket science here.
Well, you’re starting to understand… But without layers (i.e., the way the game is supposed to be), there is only 1 “instance” of the world regardless of the number of players that pack into the server. Meaning that the amount of resources available per player is determined entirely based on how many players there are on a server.
Layers artificially remove that problem vastly multiplying how many resources are available. And that’s one of the major factors that contribute to the formation of mega servers. If you have too many people in a single realm, resources will be scarce and exorbitantly expensive at the auction house. Naturally, this will cause many players to choose a different realm where overpopulation isn’t happening.
to the detriment of the player experience but lets ignore this aspect. never mind that layers prevent poor experiences in key zones. but never mind that lag you’re experiencing just leave your server. stop being apart of that toxic community where there is a huge population!!! how dare you want a healthy thriving server. I wish ever server was packed as some of the mega servers with an equal amount of good guilds.
oh, and yes you are right about one thing Blizzard does not like the concept of mega servers. this is the edit. Also forgot to mention. is it possible the wow team is incorrect in this? is it a possibility? could they be wrong much like they were wrong in the implementation of all of BFA SL and Legion Legendaries? just food for thought.
Contrary to popular belief servers like Benediction were around in OG wrath. Mal’ganis for example was 99% horde and had ques in the over 9000 range with every major content patch. This is not new, if you don’t want crowded locked servers then xfer off.
You are based sir. Nice own.
You mean one of the cons of playing on classic. LOL
He’s based. Not biased but based
Short-term detriment for long-term health of the game is a good thing.
Sure, for content that’s popular… Last time I checked, Isle of Quel’Danas was a shdookshow because it wasn’t layered, but it didn’t prevent people from playing. It just made questing take a bit longer. Now compare that to low-level zones that are split up between multiple layers, so the already tiny number of people out in the world questing and leveling are now separated from one another with no great way of communicating and forming a group.
One of these situations is a minor inconvenience. The other situation makes the organic way the game is meant to be played basically impossible.
Pretty much. The devs themselves have specifically stated this months ago.
It’s not necessarily anyone’s fault if they find themselves on a mega realm especially if they were there before the population grew to that size (I’m in that situation as I’ve been playing Grobbulus since day 1 of Classic), but that’s just where we’re at. The devs have allowed layering to destroy the experience for all of Classic when they originally promised it would be removed after a couple weeks of Classic’s launch. And now they’re finally doing what they should’ve done years ago. Discomfort is the price we’ll have to pay for that.
Mega servers are not healthy. And it’s honestly ridiculous that you’d say that, because the entire point of this thread was to whine about how unhealthy they are, but without realizing it. “No ore. No mobs. No herbs” are literally a handful of the major issues when realms are grotesquely overpopulated. Everything you’re complaining about right now is a result of how unhealthy mega realms are for the game.
I’m not trying to be rude, but I have to say it: your post is glaringly ironic…
See, this is the kind of discussion I was hoping we’d have in this thread. And you’re not wrong to ask that question at all.
Personally, I don’t think they’re wrong about this at all, because healthy population distribution across realms is an extremely important part (perhaps even the most important) of making WoW feel like it used to. Even though removing layers can and will cause a lot of discomfort in the experience, it will force the population to gradually disperse over a greater number of realms so instead of the terrible monster servers we have, we’ll have a greater number of thriving realms to choose from, each with their own personality.
The only thing I think they might be wrong about, is that they may be underestimating how absolutely stubborn the player population is. I think that the population dispersal will probably take a long longer than they hoped, which means they’ll (the WoW team) will be feeling the pressure through complaints like this thread for an extended period of time.
I think there’s a non-zero chance that they’ll just put sharding into the game if people refuse to A: go to different realms or B: cope with the consequences of their choices. We’ve seen Blizzard take the spineless way out before (e.g., HvH battlegrounds) and I don’t have the greatest faith they’ll stick to their guns now, even though this is absolutely better for the game. I hope layering is gone forever though.
Yet noone can explain why layers are long term bad.
People can and do, you just don’t listen.
Right you tried and failed to explain why 1/1000 is not the same as 2/2000 but then math happened and you got confused.
If you can’t understand how layers multiply the amount of resources available per realm and/or per person, you’re beyond the point of someone spoon-feeding you the understanding. Sorry.
I’d love for you to point out how my basic equation was incorrect other than it being too simple to fully illustrate how layers work. But I know you won’t. Classic Ziryus.
What does 1/1000 equal? What does 2/2000 equal?
Both 0.001. Now go ahead and tell the class why you think anything I said about layers is incorrect.
You won’t.
You just agreed layers don’t multiply resources available per person.
I’ll let you figure out why
That’s what I thought. I’ll take that as an admission that you don’t comprehend the very simple ideas being discussed here. Thanks for proving me right once again. Classic trolling Ziryus.