No One's Answering on Quests, but Since This is Pet-Related . . .?

I posted on the Quest board, but no one’s answering.

I finally progressed all the way through Shadowlands with an Undead Hunter, doing only those quests that were progression related. (I can go do side quests later.) And I’m anxious to get through the Maw.

I finished Revendreth, and went back to Oribos to turn the final quest in, but I didn’t get another quest. I was expecting finally to be sent to the Maw, but when I turned the quest in from Revendreth, they didn’t offer another one.

Since my Hunter is only 53rd level, I suspect it has to do with that. Since the achievements are shared across all my toons, can I do it with one of 70th level toons, or will I need to level up my Hunter?

And, to make this post more pet-related, the only pets I acquired in Shadowlands are the ones I caught in the wild. Aren’t there some other pets that I can purchase in Shadowlands?

Any help you can give me, since no one’s replying to me in Quests and I checked WoW’s FAQ in the Help section and didn’t find an answer, would be much appreciated.

I think your quest issue is likely tied to level. I’m not sure if it’s 55 or 60 to progress beyond the ending of Revendreth, but I believe it’ll be one of those.

As for the Shadowlands pets, here’s WCP’s filter to display them:


Thanks very much. I will update with the correct level, once I find out what it is. And it looks like there’s lots of pets that I missed.

Edited to Add: Well, I know it’s not level 55.

By the way, how do you unlock flying in Shadowlands now?

You’ll find you need to use Wowhead or Xu-Fu to get hints on how to find some of the pets. A few of the SL pets are available only to one particular Covenant and, no surprise , some of them take a bit of work to get.

Once you’ve gotten through all the startup stuff and joined a Covenant, there’s a Campaign of several storylines to go through. I seem to remember you originally had to do them all to fly but Blizzard took pity on us and now only need the first 3 or 4 to open SL Flying.

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For the record, it does require 60th level. And I was so excited when I joined my Covenant, I didn’t even bother to go back and do the quest. I just jumped the Maw right away. And my time would have been better served going back to Revendreth to do that quest, since they give me certain abilities that have proven useful in the Maw.

But I’ve been collecting pets. They seem so rare in the Maw. I’m killing all the critters without the pet icon above them, hoping that they’ll respawn something with a pet. I’ve got the Lost Limb and the Remains. I’ve also caught an Eye, and a Mawrat thingie.

I recall the S/S Lost Limb is best when dueling a Sandstorm team. So, I checked the breed. Lucky me. It’s S/S.

I didn’t have the foresight to think about what classes would be the best for the Maw. But I think I chose well in making a Hunter. Camouflage and Cheetah make sneaking around easy. Except for those annoying See Invis dudes riding the mechanical dogs. I hate those things.

No, I don’t want to use your stupid robot dog. I prefer Camouflage and Cheetah, thanks.