No one talks about Molten Core; They all talk about BRD

If BRD and BRS are considered the best dungeons of all time, spawning new farmers to this day, youtube videos, a book from the designer behind BRD, and now the inclusion of the DID - why do you suppose Blizzard doesn’t devote more time to make dungeons like those every expansion?

I personally love them, but we don’t see dungeons like those level 40-60 dungeons from Vanilla. If the crowd loves them so much, why not make at least one each expansion. More engaging than today’s dungeons, less overhead requirements (gear and time) than a raid.

If you ask me, the smart move wasn’t making 40-man raids smaller (the 25s), it was increasing the amount of BRD, BRS, Scholomance, Maradon, and Sunken Temple Dungeons.

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Weren’t some of those dungeons… dungeons like stratholme and UBRS 10-15 man raids way back when? I specifically remember crawling through UBRS with 9 or more people for some reason.


They do add a mega dungeon here and there, but they make them M0.

I miss old sunken temple… I am going to be happy to see Mr. Smite back in deadmines… there are any number of things that they shouldn’t have changed in old dungeons.

To this day I am sad at how they butchered UBRS and ST.

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Blizzard designs dungeons for 3 things now:

  • Spammability, because every player will have run some variant or another of any given map many tens or hundreds of times over the course of an expansion
  • Expedience, because for some reason a bunch of players think they need to be able to run a heroic before going to work/school in the morning
  • E-sport friendliness, because of that sweet stream cash

BRD unfortunately doesn’t fit any of those moulds, and so we don’t get any new BRDs.


Did you not see all the complaint threads when they made Operation Mechagon? Or new Karazhan? Big huge sprawling dungeons have their adherents, and I’m glad they make them now and then, but they’re not a cure-all.

BTW your premise is wrong. BRD isn’t even the best dungeon in classic, Strath is way better.

I cant remember for sure but I swear I did Scholo with 15. And I know I did live Strat with at least 10 back in the day.

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Scholo, Strat, Sunken Temple are better than BRD, LBRS

Yeah and none of those are Shadow Labs. Which is the best dungeon.

I think 10/15 man “raids” were much more fun than 40 man ones.

I know they value having the epic feel of massive raids, which can be fun. I’d rather see it used sparingly, as exclusive content rather than the standard.

Right now they’re sort of doing the opposite, with the large raid format as the standard and letting it flex to facilitate smaller groups while having larger dungeons (5 man raids) as the less used medium.

I’d love to see way more karazahn/mechagon (including M+ versions) as the standard, with massive raids existing in space that not everyone accesses or defeats.

Just my personal opinion, and I realize it’s probably not very popular but I think it would be a much more interesting formula.

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Really it’s just for the esports. Acti-Blizz demands their tribute.

Because the vast majority of players want instant gratification these days. Look at how everyone rushes through the modern dungeons that only take 15-20 minutes anyways, and tell me those people would be able to finish a 4-6 hour brd clear.

Shadow Labs = zzzzzz

Ya they were.

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I think they could bring the old, labyrinthine, sprawling dungeons back as a new type of instance. Call them “mazes”, make some features random (treasures, bosses, traps, events, some doors closed/opened) and just allow a small group to explore them.


Oh dude, I love this idea.


The “mega dungeons” are simply extra-long linear hallways instead of short linear hallways. Waycrest Manor is closer to the likes of BRD than Mechagon.