No one new wants to play your game

I’ll start by saying that I will probably always play WoW. That being said, if I want a friend to come play with me that has never played before, this is how it goes.

“so first buy the game and pay a sub. (I defend the WoW sub, but it is not worth it for people that are not doing end-game-raiding, and it is hard to sell to someone who hasn’t played WoW), then we are going to level from 1-120, but nothing you do matters till you hit 120, and non of the quest lines make since anymore, so we are just gonna blast it as fast as we can, so after the grind from 1-120, we are going to start gearing you. Now you are several patches behind, so we have to go farm old raids, old zones, and pvp(which noone wants to do), for essences, so you will be relevant, oh an you can’t fly because somehow you forgot how to when you walked into this new zone, so ill fly you around, and now we are going to farm dailies for the next month, so you can upgrade your back. Oh and it doesn’t matter if you dont know how to play your class, because all your damage comes from your random procs of corruption. Now lets do all these things that you do not want to do, just so you can do the things that you do want to do.”

My fix.

-I don’t think levels matter anymore at all. It’s just a lock behind being able to start end-game-content, so get rid of levels and just lock the next zone behind an achievement for the major quest-line. This allows you to leave the side quests open for rep grinding for mounts, cool toys, or whatever you want, so I imagine maybe like 4-5 hours of game play for each expansions major quest line, from the quest you should just get the major points of what happened in the expansion. This would at least feel like something I could redo instead of blasting dungeons with all my heirlooms, and ex boosts. When people hate the leveling system so much that they are willing to pay for a level boost, something is wrong.

End game content.
-So if I am a new person, I just started playing, and I was even convinced to use my 120 level boost. I would be so lost in the sauce. It would be so much work to figure out what i need to do to even begin to “have fun”, much less be relevant. Either make old patches completely irrelevant with a mini quest line summary of what has happened so far in the expansion or rework the quest lines every patch to make since instead of there being a million quests that I have no idea what do to.

PVP battle grounds arenas
-Put everyone on the same lvl, so no one has an unfair advantage, gear, essences, corruption, etc. leave the gear advantages to open world.

Gear PvP, raiding, dungeon
-so we are at an awkward point, where if you want to be the best at something, you will have to do everything that you don’t want to. My fix. Make all the equips and actives only work where you got the item. Raiding trinkets, set gear, whatever only where you got them.

-random sockets, corruption, titan forging, and bonus stats. No one likes this, no one asked for this. It just makes people need to continuously do the same stuff just for the hope of a random upgrade. let the gear the boss drops be the gear that it drops.

-I understand the need for different servers, but there is an issue. If I just made a new friend that was on the opposite faction, on a different server, we were both at end game content, and he wanted to join my guild, he would have to pay $60 to join our guild. If it was free people would exploit this to get rich. I understand that, so just fix it in a way that they cannot exploit it, or it would be a giant pain to exploit.

Link all Auction Houses across servers, and bring back the option to AH across factions, just with the extra “tax” payment. This would stabilize the economy per faction and make the exploit not worth it. Require a faction alignment quest line or something to change factions, and then just pay for the race change.

WoW tokens.
-I like this addition to the game. It reduces the amount of people selling WoW gold illegitimately, but I think it needs to be tweaked. Decide what Blizzard wants a WoW token to cost and let that be that, also let a player transfer their gold back into whatever currency one-to-one or not at an extreme loss.

There are many other issues that make it hard to convince people to play this game, but these things would help a bunch.


You’re not a new player so you can’t really speak for them. And no one cares about new players until they can go “but what about the NEWWWWWW players?” for something they don’t like.


WoW’s identity as Blizzard puts it, is going to die as a Vertical Progression game, dude.

WoW already has Horizontal Progression, but Vertical Progression is ingrained into the core mechanics and identity of WoW. It’ll NEVER change.

i guess my post mostly turned into “your game sucks” instead of just “new players don’t want to play your game”

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This thread is cringe.

If your friends play opposing faction and you or them are too lazy to play the other faction, stop being friends. You both as bad as each other.

Linking auction would be a global mess, they need to remain separated. You have no clue how economics works. Not satisfied with your auction house? Quit playing on dead servers.

For everything else you said, I’d suggest taking it a break because it doesn’t sound like you play to have fun but to try being the absolute best, while taking a casual approach. Not how it works.


level from 1-110 and tell me that is fun.

Blizzard does decide with the WoW Token. It is called they choose to go by “Supply and Demand”. If you’re not happy with the cost of a WoW Token because a lot of people are going for the Brutosaur Mount, then there is other ways of making a lot of gold by all means.

Just wait until next expansion.


You really going to complain about leveling 1-110 with the current exp buff? Really?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


so an exp buff basically acknowledges that they know it is not fun


No, you’re at fault for not playing class you like or spamming alts. This not the game design fault. It’s already easy enough to get to the end. We don’t need everyone to jump straight away without the slight experience of their class.

Like I always said, altholics never win.

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Excuse me?

I always win. Because I still continue to level alts.


At the exception,

That maybe you actually enjoying making alts. Not like OP who cries about it.

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It must be Sunday inside there place? Nothing to see here.

Sunday accusation now. Not my fault you lack comprehension. Moving on.

The only crowd WoW currently appeals to are returning players or those too addicted and personally invested in to quit.

I can’t remember the last time in my travels meeting or playing with someone who was genuinely new to the game. That’s not to say they’re not out there, but it’s rarer than getting your perfectly rolled Corruption piece from your weekly chest - pretty damn rare, in other words.

People are heralding Shadowlands as some sort of haven for new players due to the changes made through the level/stat squish and introduction of a new starting area that will be completed in an hour or two, but I’m not really buying it. WoW has always appealed to the aforementioned groups of people ever since the concept of MMOs lost their novelty and charm, which was a long time ago.


Aight so I read your post, and your problem is “you have to play the game to play the game,” so I kinda just think your friends aren’t MMO gamers. These are time sink games that you need to invest actual effort into, not just dropping in and stomping people in Fortnite or some knockoff.


No no, this is a game when you log on and beat everyone because you 3 v 1 with your bros, this the WoW we play since version 1.01

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I see this all the time, people who have been playing for 6+ years talking about the new player experience. It’s so annoying.

The game + the subscription is still the same cost as a AAA game.

Well there is a boost for a reason, and the leveling revamp solves all the issues with leveling really.
But I don’t really feel like that is true.
A new player would still enjoy seeing the new abilities, seeing the new zones and enemies etc.
If you don’t enjoy your first time leveling then the game just isn’t for you.

That is so wrong.
It’s actually bad design in my opinion, but you do not farm old raids and zones to catch up in gear. You just do the new catch up content.
Old raids become irrelevant the second the new raid comes out. With the exception of some off-piece BiS items on occasion.

Your friend would probably enjoy the game more if instead of spoon feeding and rushing them through things you consider boring you let them explore the game on their own pace.

It sounds to me like you leveled with your friend but you didn’t enjoy the experience.


It’s definitely a huge drag when you want to try something new and starting from lvl 1. I think it would be different for new players since they haven’t played it at all yet, but early game is boring af IMO. Vet account should have the option of starting at least half way to max. Heirlooms fail as a veteran reward.

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Right now you can get to level 120 in less than 20 hours of actual /played time.