No one hated Jaina

Incorrect. We get Evil Horde in MoP because Blizzard felt the need to do Horde vs Alliance storyline but were unwilling to let the Alliance get too aggressive. They pretty much scrapped any Moral Gray vs Moral Gray angles they were aiming for during Cata and dumped all their villainy points directly onto Garrosh going into MoP.

They did this because they wanted someone players of both factions could rally against. It was…not terrible. Not good, but not utter garbage.

The BfA Horde vs Alliance though? Sylvanas playing the role of Garrosh 2.0?
That was trash. It was the exact same thing as MoP but worse.

And War3 was one of the best of Warcraft’s stories, because it was written by people who actually had the frickin’ stones to write Alliance as a-holes.
Unlike the milqtoasts currently in charge of it.

Is there really a villain through Warcraft’s lore more iconic than Arthas frickin’ Menethil?