No one dies in BG Blitz

And yet 2s and 3s, where dampening is, are filled with healers.

It isn’t about being livelords.

Healers like games where their own team mates help them.

Dampening is a band aid for Blizzard who can’t control how the DPS players play.

You’re meant to CC healers and kill the DPS, but people insist on trying to just outright kill healers, who are designed to keep an entire raid alive.

No one on the healers team helps peel for them, their own DPS are focused on trying to kill the opposing healers all the time.

I get it, you don’t have friendly name plates turned on, you don’t know who your healers are, you don’t know their names, you don’t know where they are, you just know they aren’t keeping you alive.

Bless your naive soul if you’re trying to ask for healers to be tuned down in this forum. They are fine on arena because dampening exists but outside in the world or bgs that’s a another story… :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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You don’t get it. Try giving an intellectually honest reply next time instead of this dumb garbage. It doesn’t matter if you target healers themselves or if you are targeting dps. If either have half a brain, no one dies for 3/4 the game.

You basically agree with me that healers are how they are because they wouldn’t be fun if they weren’t. My point is that while it might be necessary to be fun for low skill healers due to allied low skill dps not using their kits (which btw you should be able to live because healers RN can tank 4dps solo and bad dps at your bracket do terrible damage - how is this not live-god? You are better tanks than actual tanks), it needs work because it isn’t fun PVP overall for dps up to the top of the ladder unless they like the game being entirely about CC cheese caps.

Whole lotta assumptions about me here, too.

I do my part to CC and peel for my team. I’m constantly giving my healers space with my shaman main. I’m at like 1900 mmr after climbing from 1400 10 rating a game. I’ve put in the time - and guess what? - it still isn’t fun

The reality is that it is a solo queue environment with a lackluster ping system and healers being balanced how they are balanced, despite whatever surface-level legitimate reasoning there is for that, STILL results in a gamemode that is unsatisfying. Imagine PvE where the boss doesn’t die but you just have to CC stuff to win and then you run from the boss? Higher-rated lobbies are won by CC cheesing and then moving to next obj without finishing the fight.

Well look at this!! It’s
My fav cheater spreading his infinite wisdom around! Good work my dude. Good work