<No Offense> Alliance | ATIESH| Late Night Raiding Guild | 8:30PM-11:30PM PST

-removed for re-posting by another character-


Warriors are the best

Can’t wait to play Classic with friends

Lets do this !

what server are you planning on?

I’m assuming your faction is Horde?

Definitely interested! Will be running a Dwarf Priest Named Franalations. Have Vanilla wow raid healing experience from MC to first 2 bosses of Nax 40 man!

Are you looking for a prot warrior for raiding if so let me know added you on bnet

I’m interested in joining! Sent you a message on discord and bnet.

I am interested in joining. Sent you a friend request in BNET. Crixus is my BNET name. Planning on playing Warrior, Mage, Priest…Thank you for your time and consideration.

Interested in joining as a hunter, added you on Discord and BNET, thanks!
