No new skillbooks for melee hunters?

I know it’s a meme spec, and the dev team has no idea what to do with us, but as long as you guys have an item set in the game, the least you could do is treat us like we exist…

I’ve done 2 runs with my guild, and all I’ve seen is multishot, serpent sting and aspect of the hawk.

Is there no new ranks of raptor strike, mongoose bite or wyvern sting/strike?


melee hunters are in no way a meme spec

Hunter Tanks; solo-tank…none of that pet tank that 2 people actually like.

The Huntsman.

Damage is decent, but it definitely feels like an after thought. Nowhere near as much effort was put into melee hunter as other “non-viable specs”, like ret pallies, ele/enh shaman, prot pallies, etc.

We don’t have anywhere near the utility/rounding out of other melee classes: our cleave is hidden behind a rune, no interrupt, our opener is the W key, etc. It took the devs MONTHS to give us a melee tranq shot, after saying it was “nearly impossible”. And now this, they completely forgot that melee hunters are a thing…

DEVS, Please do the right thing. Give me something to SR in my AQ10 raids…

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Want fireball or frostbolt books? Most of these books are worthless.

I guess if your damage is pretty much all coming from rune abilities, then you wouldn’t care about new skillbooks. For me, however, a new rank of raptor strike would be MASSIVE.

I guess hawk technically since it makes falcon go up to 120 but yeah it’s just the same books from vanilla.

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Atleast you get a set, Arms warriors get nothing.

Battle shout? Y’all complain about EVERYTHING

Who is playing arms in SoD I havnt played since 50 cap and I can still see no reaon to be arms.

Between trap spam and going melee, or BM with a pet that is weak as hell and pops in battlegrounds like a balloon, I’m kinda meh on Hunter overall. I want them to give us a Disengage or gap closer like Harpoon, things that other classes get in SoD. Or at least just remove the deadzone. I’d reroll boomkin or shaman if I could easily grind up the same honor but I don’t wanna wait weeks and weeks to gear up again.

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They realized giving hunters an alibi to take every weapon was a mistake.

I’ve given up on expecting anything great/cool for melee, my standards are low. I would have loved for wildfire bomb rather than traps to get more reliable trap activations/aoe, carve as a skillbook. Harpoon as a way to increase uptime on bosses, or close the gap in pvp… Maybe an interrupt so I can feel like a real melee? Surprisingly, retail SV hunter actually feels like a complete character.

At this point, I’d settle for them to just give a more predictable DPS rotation, rather than being at the mercy of flanking strike resets/uptime.


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Which is different, having a book with a skill that will never get used or not having a book?

They gutted us after S2 and forgot we exists. Zero efforts to make the spec at least enjoyable.
I feel its time to unsub and wait for TBC re-re-launch

Same number Feral druids got

But this IS different, because the skills I use are base game skills, raptor, mongoose, wyvern, these are all skills that exist in the base game, so they can just as easily add new ranks of these, as they did for serpent sting, multishot, corruption, fireball, etc. I would absolutely use these skills. There’s literally no excuse, other than laziness (they know we exist, and they just dont wanna do it) or ignorance (they forgot that melee hunters exist altogether).

A distinction without a difference. The end result is the exact same thing.