No New Customizations: Full Quote

Void Elves suffered from this too until they got a couple eye colors and skin tones. They still have that problem with their hair colors though. I’m not even referring to blondes and stuff, just that the ones they have all look very similar to each other. Even their red hair has purple in it.


It’s insane that yesterday they almost implied that players haven’t been as vocal about what they want to be added (“keep sending in your suggestions!”) as if there aren’t a dozen threads each with at least a thousand replies and thousands of views and likes in support.


Wow its crazy that blizzard gave me so many disappointments and nothing to get hyped about…during blizzcon.

I feel like they confirmed more things they AREN’T doing than they actually are at this point


Meanwhile here I am, a worgen dk, with only fur color as my new option. That’s it, that’s all I get. Just fur color options. Sure worgens got eyes too, but those are simply recolors of things we already have. Worgens got absolutely zero new unique things. We’re just sitting here left in the dust, same as male blood elves who didn’t get much of anything. Don’t even get me started on Allied races.


Which I’d be okay with if they were honest

“We are behind because of covid and could not get to everything we wanted”

But this nonsense is a copout

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I’m disappointed, but not really surprised somehow.

It took 4 expansions for boomkins to get updated, and another 4 for goblin and worgens.

They spend so much effort working on rolling out assorted battle pets and mounts and whatever else, but they can’t have a team of a few people doing even the simple thing of messing around with hair styles or simply making some recolors each patch.


Remember when Blizzard actually cared about the Community that made them who they are today folks? Well they shot themselves in a foot after a boring Q&A that didn’t bring much other than empty promises and excuses.

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as a nightborne main i can’t help but just be sad since all my hopes crushed for the next few patches


I can’t properly express how pissed I am about this without breaking the rules. Suffice to say this has disappointed me more than I think any other decision they’ve ever made, save for maybe their response on the Legion legacy raids. What a massive let down.


The whole wow segment of blizzcon summed up:

I’ve said it in other threads, and I will say it here - customization was what I was looking forward to the most. Finding out that we’re not getting anything more at all is a major gut punch. I don’t understand this decision at all.


If customization is being driven only by Covenants for the rest of SL, I don’t see much staying power in this expac.

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If they can’t add customization, I don’t think they can be trusted with the inevitable 10.0 revamps, potential new classes/ races/ spec overhauls.


Didn’t they state allied races were next to get more options after Shadowlands launched?

I was really looking forward to that because some races are just plain boring (looking at you lightforged and Nightbourne)

Pretty crap that they go back on their word


Wow, things like this and many other things makes me wonder if I should just go back to the previous game I mained.

I mean, WoW has good, great things. But if this is what they consider the customization expansion, we’re in for a very long time of races looking strange. They don’t need feedback on this, it’s way too obvious. This game is good for raiding nowadays only.


All of this is just a huge shame.

Meanwhile in FF14…



I’m without words…

  • Far greater player customization, and more added as unlockables
  • Change your character race without real life $ costs because it’s almost totally cosmetic
  • Far better armor/clothing visuals (made with unique 3D assets, not just textures painted on the character model), whether you want to be serious or silly (or simple, regular looks like being able to wear glasses and overalls)
  • Built-in gpose tool instead of needing an addon (Narcissus for WoW)
  • Player housing
  • Supposedly a really welcoming community that helps new players out

Every day, FFXIV sounds more appealing.