No new buffs?

Sir i habent called him anything but a troll becauses what hes doing. If he were to comment on others posts with information other than thats wrong or him posting skewed logs i wouldnt have as much as an issue. His opinion is everywhere and id rather hear the communties opinions not just his. I hsvent lambasted one other person over warrors being horrible but derez because he is a. Trolling and b disingenuous

Than you’ll be disappointed. The other community, like the Skyhold Discord, are in agreeance for most things.

If you don’t like the opinion, you can keep looking around for others that agree with you. However the theorycrafters, as well as raiders have shown that Warriors have one decent spec single target, that excells at two target cleave fights, while bringing Battle Shout and Rallying Cry to assist with raid mechanics.

Funny im in skyhold and disagree with your view of my opinion. Fury is garbage and arms is better (but not great either). Its more beneficial to have another class over bs nd rallying cry but that’s opinion. You can say fury is great i havr no issue with that and you can disagree with whst i have to say also, i dont mind. My only isdir on these forums is seeing derez lambasting people with falsehoods

I had to change to arms in a raid because the single target damage of fury is really low. I had a hard time getting into higher mythic+, and i don’t think the legendaries for fury have good effects, that actually make a difference, at least not like other classes have them.
I feel like every bit of item ILVL i get is not the same upgrade as others classes and theirs specs get from theirs.
In my opinion, i think the spec (fury) need changes, not to become the most op, but to be competitive enough so you don’t stay 30 min trying to get into content, even if the AOE of the spec is not that bad, being one of its strengths it could be better. I know PVP is another story, it can be good, depending on what build you have, especially for arms warriors.
My opinion, from my experiencies.


I usually assume people like that are avid twitter users and come here like its the same thing.

Please point out where he was wrong and do not take anything out of context please.

Feel free to quote if it helps, but make sure to not leave key contexts points out.

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Open his linked evidence (his words), please feel free

Absolutely groups would, and are. My guild is on the 4th boss, there has never been even the slightest hint towards the idea of benching me. My cleave is near the top, so add damage is always high, execute phases in progression are EXTREMELY important, as well as battleshout and rally.

You don’t know what you’re talking about, but want to pretend you do.

I have read every single post in this thread and a couple others, I have not seen any answers of his which were falsehoods, in fact all I saw were people dogpilling on him due to mutual dislike of him.

Best part is, he had a really productive discussion with another forum goer just yesterday, none of them tried to read in-between the lines and whenever they misunderstood something the other said they inquired into what the other meant.

Now I can understand that you dislike the guy but berating him for providing evidence to his explanation is kinda ridiculous, kinda portrays you as a troll too, especially since when I ask you to provide evidence of your claims you don’t do so.


See this is the problem. Because these forums are so poorly moderated among other reasons, the vast majority of the warrior community actually is on the class’s private discord server - Skyhold. If you went there, you’d find out very quickly that Derez is not only correct in virtually everything he says, he’s not even that outrageous. What he presents is by and large accepted mainstream stuff advocated or figured out by our top theorycrafters and competitive raiders.

People with this, “Wah, I don’t like what you say, you suck!” mentality also get themselves muted or banned pretty darn quick. Inappropriate behavior gets a very quick and public moderator intervention, who explains out in the open what is and isn’t considered acceptable.


I saw a dude argue with Xan the other day that condemn was Bis cause all key pushers currently used it lmao



Reminds me of the people that were either calling elite players morons for running gale-force or trying to tell people it was BiS Fury because all the top guys had it on a weapon back in Nya’lotha.

Yeah youd be accurate if you say im trolling derez to a degree and its, again, self apparent in his said proof jist click them. Im not one to work hard to prove my point apologies his links are there for you to click. Im lazy and dont have the will ,time, effort, nor care to prove to you or anyone of my legitimacy. Think im wrong or say im wrong ill sleep fine but derez rarely backs his claims with his facts and when he does its skewed information that causes misconceptions, incongruity, and manipulative information he uses to bolster his argument rather than attemting to transcribe actual truths (recent posts - im. New- this week at least maybe hes done better in The past and thats how hes got you but you should really click his links srsly)

Im in skyhold and based on his comments this week i have no idea how younfeep his opinions are one in the same

And yet they’ve already said don’t. Which probably means they didn’t have a choice.

You do get the absolute hypocrisy that you are exuding, “I don’t have to provide facts because I know I’m right, if he provides facts that prove his point they are false”

I would feel so humiliated if I had written this.

All people with Orange and yellow names are a trusted source of information, random brown names shouldn’t be taken as a credible source of information if you do not know them as a knowledgeable player.

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Or just look at numbers.

Your feelings here are irrelevant. Bringing someone because you’re friends and in a guild doesn’t mean that bringing you is beneficial. You’re holding your own raid team back because you’re not an UH DK. Sorry.

What is this color scheme thing you’re referring to? I’m curious.

Discord ranks. Orange are the theorycrafters: Archimtiros, Max etc. Yellow are the elite players like Andaa and Deswind.


No the facts are there read them for yourself (hes on every other post theure not difficult to search for) . I have nothing to be embarrassed about because im candid and honest. There’s nothing to be hypocritical about as i haven’t posted anything as fact but always stated opinions. Ive never crowned myself as better than others although i can think for myself and have seen Derez for what he is. Im not Derez on a last limb looking to parse material to embolden my arguments. Dont believe me and yes i have a bias towards him and its soley because his kool aide aint kool aide and i dont like that he keeps saying it is.