No more renown caches with Warband Reputation?

I did not see this addressed directly, though i could have missed it, but,

With some reputations becoming ‘warbound’ reputations, are renown caches phased out completely or just redeemable once per each time you roll over your rep instead how it is now?

Renown caches are still available in the version we’re using for PTR testing. It also appears that because rep is pooled that every character contributes to the cache goal and any character can loot it.

yah thats what i was hung up on, it seems that you can only get one cache per account now, instead of per toon who hits it.

But if everyone contributes to the rep, i guess you would get more of them, if they keep them that is:O)

At a larger scale you’ll end up with the same number of rewards in both systems. But this makes the returns more consistent and frequent. Though if you have characters that weren’t max renown yet they’ve been boosted and can start contributing now. So “more” in that sense, yes.