No more Guild Realm or Faction Transfers

Welp…I guess this was inevitable:

Originally Posted by Blizzard [Blue Tracker]

We will be retiring Guild Services currently available in the in-game shop as of July 22, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. PDT.

Services that will be retired include Guild Realm Transfers and Guild Faction Transfers. After July 22, 2024, these services will no longer be available. The Guild Name Change service will continue to be available.

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Cross realm guilds confirmed?

After this point, and after guilds become cross-realm, what will happen if you promote a character to guild master who is on a different realm and/or faction from the original guild master? Do we know?

I assume guilds will still be considered to have a specific realm they’re on, because of how names work. So what if you have a guild called Awesomesauce on WrA, and there is also a separate guild called Awesomesauce on MG, and then you make an MG character guild master of Awesomesauce-WrA?

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Cross realm guilds are on the beta now. You still need horde to invite horde and alliance to invite alliance unless you are bnet friends. But you don’t need to be on the same server to invite someone.

No testing was able to be done for how it anchors a player. Like if a WRA guild invites a MG character, does that character see MG or WRA cities? But I think we will just all be phased together in a mega server cluster.

There’s a small part of me surprised that Blizzard would discontinue one of the more lucrative store offers but it would also be deeply silly to keep it, given the cross-realm guild updates.

Now I’m curious what server choice will ultimately amount to. Will we be phased with one another even moreso in certain areas? How will farming and spawn times be affected? Will we all eventually culturally mash into a mega server? How will RP realms be treated differently, if at all?

Pre-patch Launch date confirmed?


Happy about this.

For some reason my “Help Desk” guild name got flagged and I was forced to change it. I picked the one I have now at a whim, but I still want to change it. Just not sure what to.


Close off server transfers next.

No one gets in. No one gets out.


Not like it’s hard to get a character to 70 anymore. I don’t even understand why people still consider paying for a character transfer when they can just spend like a week of play time (I can do it in about two days, three at the most but I’m also putting in full days).

Some people are emotionally attached to their characters, perhaps they’ve played it for years, or maybe even all the way back since vanilla.

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Zul’jin voice

You wanna stay?
You stay here forever!
We gonna bury you here!

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I gave up my pre-Ahn’Qiraj Vanilla toons after spending far too much money transferring realms back when the game actually took effort to level and gear up for. At a certain point the monetary requirement outweighs the needs of a video game. Especially now, when you can just level and gear up in a matter of days versus the months it used to take.

Yes, it’d be nice to have them on WRA, but it’s cheaper and easier to just make new characters now.

Very much a sign that they think cross-server guilds are going to tear down the barriers between servers. No point to have a guild on one server or another… anxious to see how this is going to work.

From someone reporting on beta, this is my understanding of it:

  • Alliance still can only invite Alliance and Horde invite Horde, no matter the server.
  • Members of a cross-server guild not on the host realm are publicly seen with ( * ) denoting their name
  • Fellow guild members regardless of server do not see the ( * ) on fellow guild members
  • TRP3 currently still displays the home server in the tooltip

How it affects phasing remains to be seen since beta doesn’t have the phasing that live servers will, especially at launch. I’m also not sure if some of this is subject to change, but it’s what we’ve gathered so far.


Do we know if TRP3 still has limited cross-server functionality? I’ve done some RP with Moon Guard people on Wyrmrest Accord toons, and unfortunately TRP3 doesn’t seem to display any of the “At A Glance” buttons or profile information beyond name/title/details/other “front page” info. The rest of the profile appears blank, even if it’s not.

It’s not the worst thing in the world, but it’s kind of a hassle if there’s important character information in the “At A Glance” section, and that’s always one of the first things I look at when meeting a new character in case there are distinguishing features the player wants to point out.


I’m not sure. I was surprised that TRP3 worked in beta and I hope the developers will add a few more updates so At A Glance and other functionalities won’t be as limited cross-server. If I had to guess, that functionality will likely depend on how Blizzard is connecting guilds across servers. Given how frequently guild and in-game communities have broken as we’ve come closer and closer to this update, so I don’t envy the addon dev that has to peak under that particular hood.

With the Alliance and Horde inviting issue have they made it so Guild Finder is cross-faction yet? That could be a useful workaround if the faction-lock inviting persists.

That’s actually a good question, I’ll ask the person who relayed this to me. I didn’t buy into beta so don’t have direct access to check.

I suppose the biggest question is: will people in a same guild see each other out in the world or not? Will they need to be partied together?

I’m curious if we have to group like anchoring and if we’ll all anchor to the raid leader’s realm. I assume this is the way.