No More Elf Races

we’ve never had curly haired races because its so hard to make curly 3d hair but i think they’ve perfected it with wrathion.
double click that till its full size.

I have a better idea make a human allied race based on that model…it’s sexy. :heart_eyes:

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The hair on the male looks great, but I don’t care for the female models you linked.

I love this idea!

No more elves. Please. We’re sick of these sad, knife-eared excuses for playable races.


yeah those females are my artwork. i have a lame hand so my art is all funky. its for concept only. not intended to be a finished product. i also have weird visual anomalies from being in a coma. one side of my brain/visual cortex works better than the other so i have visual distortion. one day i can look at something and see the flaws and the next day it looks normal. i gave up trying to do art as an actual artist. its only for concept. think of it like a scribble on a napkin

They look terrible. Just humans with bushy hair.

At least I can drink a cup of water

i want half elf half dragon. like wrathion but with some dragon horns on top. but you cant see his elf ears - he’s borrowed a half elf appearance

Great job! I’ve just never been a fan of big curly hair.

And what’s your point, they still look like humans, but they just have a weak jaw.

i’d be happy with something approximating wrathion’s hair. they’ve done such a good job. if it was super long would be gorgeous.

they are a scribble on a napkin, not an actual full fledged artwork. i need a real artist to paint the idea. elves with long curly wavy hair with skin tones ranging from fair to dark like wrathion.

ten charcters :rofl:

You’re not giving yourself enough credit. Your drawings look great. It’s just the style of the hair I didn’t like.

back view

well if the wrathion artist did it, it’d look good. :sunglasses:

Well why would anyone want High Elves if Half Elves look like that?