No more double Judgements?

Whats the reasoning for this?

  • Without the 6-piece Tier 1 set bonus, you can no longer double Judge.

I thought seal twisting was part of the ret paladin experience?
Why take it away and force people into chasing MC gear to do what we’ve already been doing?

This is a pretty lame change, As this was probably the funnest part about playing Ret Paladin at the moment.

What the hell Aggrend.

P.S. shockadin isnt fun.

its blizzard’s code to always keep paladins unde the shaman’s heel.

They removed this because in PvE the paladin would be too strong. To hell with the pve pars, give us back this mechanic for the pvp set bonus. You are forcing us to play through 4 parts of Judgment (why?) or the playing cringe Shokadin. Neither the first nor the second is fun. PvP has never harmed pve, but pve constantly harms pvp players