No more chosen one BS

We were one of many adventurers that fought alongside the faction leaders. He doesn’t call us the chosen one, we are just some of the strongest soldiers in the alliance/horde. Did you actually kill LK?

Uh, are you joking? the ones raised as death knights weren’t random peasants or just simple adventurers, they were chosen to be raised, they died fighting for Azeroth, and then raised for a reason, yes, I have killed the Lich King, can you explain his quote where he says something along the lines of " No questions remain unanswered. No doubts linger. You are Azeroth greatest champions. You overcame every challenge I laid before you. My mightiest servants have fallen before your relentless onslaught, your unbridled fury… etc etc " he’s basically saying that, we, the players, are Azeroth greatest champions

Lol, gottem. These peoples’ logic is outrageous and i can’t even believe 3 people liked her reply. It’s how the game already is and she’s telling me i should goto a different game to experience something I was already enjoying because she has a hate-***** for the word champion.

I don’t know, man. You’re pretty special to the Scions and the Ala Mighans.

You can’t have been that important, I don’t remember any NPCs mentioning you.

Hey, N’Zoth chose us too. Can’t be so great. Maybe after the events of Shadowlands, we won’t be looked at quite so highly.

I’m hoping anyway, I don’t like being the chosen one in an MMO either.

Being called champion grates on me. I was fine with being a commander in previous x-pac but that’s about as important as my character needs to be.

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I think it worked better in Legion because we weren’t the only big important figure. We had at least one of each class doing their part. We weren’t the only ones running around with legendaries compared to us being the only HoA users.

Might be blizzard’s content to let everyone be nobody adventurers in the starting zones and becoming the hero is merely the inescapable conclusion of all the preceding exploits.

And all these rep grinds with every new faction we meet.

I just got around to starting mechagon, and some goblin made me run around ordering supplies, recruiting some other goblin, and haggle with some union rep. Then when we got there, the prince told me I couldn’t punt any gnomes and made me go get materials to help him fix things. Then I saw a quest about killing rares that rewarded a thing I needed for my 4th essence to make my hoa quit nagging me about unused essence slot. And wowhead guy suggested go kill deepwater thing 3 times. I went and killed it once, learned fishing quest lady had the quest to make the thing that summons it. So now I’m running around the island fishing, scavenging tubes and spare parts, hitting every pet battle and rare I see along the way. I return to the fishing lady with stuff she wants and…! Next I’m vacuuming ionized minnows out of the water for her.

“Speaker of the Horde… hmph!” -Nathanos Blightcaller

(It occurs to me now I should save my deepwater maw summoning thing for after weekly reset so I get rare drop from the rare since I already got a kill off someone else’s summon this week though.)

I was thinking about this in Legion.
We didnt have to do this thing of being that one hero. Whats wrong with a storyline where youre just one of a LOT of heroes?

every bit of that.
Every time Khadgar says it I want to drown him in a golf course pond.

You know, I was kind of okay when it was just “glad to see you commander.” “good to see you back at the lodge commander.” and even then it was kinda over blown. NOW I walk into the heart forge to “you’re the only one who can save Azeroth champion!”… while wondering “Okay…so what are these dozens of other people doing here then?”.

Right up there with old Preston Garvey’s “There’s a settlement, lemme mark it on your map.”

Heroism in RPGs is about as fresh and creative as grandma’s bread recipe.

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I get what you’re saying. I still remember Sylvanas’ words of “As my most trusted soldier” ringing in my head. She’s such a questtease, that one.

I take such lavish praise with a grain of salt. No, Gassavia did not save Azeroth. No, Gassavia is not the only one who was able to protect the mage maintaining the portal. This is a road we’ve all shared together and we know better than to get our heads too swelled on the praise.

It’s what said in the song “The World Is Saved”:

“At the end of it all, gamers play what we play,
not for GAME OVER, but what for what we take away”.


That’s the experience, the sense of accomplishment, and oh yeah, the reward…gear and loot. Who cares if we saved the day? There’s another adventure in Azeroth waiting for us.

Don’t tempt me with a good time.

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the way i see it is, IMO, the Respawn mechanic at the grave yard is cannon. that is to say, at some point our character’s became simi immortal via the ability to respawn. that means the leaders can send us into the danger areas because they are not risking anyone’s lives. sure, we are not as powerful as many of them are, but we are renewable. reusable. the benefit of being able to fail and come back to succeed. where as if they fail once that’s game over. off to the shadowlands.

so yes, they give us special treatment, because we are valuable in ways others can not be. and that’s cannon fodder/ meat shield etc with limited risk.

I was ok with being a general but being “the last great hero of Azeroth” almost kept me from continuing playing. Being a hero is one thing, being the chosen one is another


I agree, we used to be a group of adventurers that followed the story without being the centre of the story.
This all changed in WoD where we became commanders, then class leaders and now we are the focus of the story to such an extent that we are the focus of the last fight where we are used as the lens through which azerite kills the last boss.

Little late for that buddy. We have now literally killed 3 gods, multiple dragon aspects, several titans, and innumerable demons. We can’t go back to killing weak minions anymore.