No more borrowed powers, please

If there’s no risk, you’re not changing anything.

If players know that they can ignore the borrowed power, then that effort becomes wasted and you get absolutely nothing.

We don’t ‘suddenly forget’ our gains, we get cut off from said gains. The power we gained from our artifact weapons was lost when the weapons became powerless. The power we gained from the Heart of Azeroth was lost as soon as we left Azeroth (If you go back to Azeroth, the heart works again).

We’ll have to see if that’s true in the next xpac…

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Its like my druid forgetting flight form in Zandalar. Same air same gravity same planet. GG

borrowed power is fine when it comes to progression and player power…what we need is less convoluted systems that require addons and simming to be “fun”.

The game needs to leave that for people that choose to do so, but go back to the roots of accessibility for the general public. I tried to get a friend into the game who was 100% a wow noob, but he just couldn’t understand the appeal and didn’t like how there was all this pseudo-required stuff that he didn’t understand. It was quite the unappealing moment for him.

You know how often I see new players ask questions about how Chromie time works, how to follow the story, why they keep getting hit by things that other people are avoiding…it’s the addons.

I will debate this to the grave, but people don’t realize the audible crutch clues you get from GTFO and DBM, etc that help a player out more than they would if they actually had to exercise caution and spatial awareness.

In some ways I was a better player when I didn’t rely on that stuff, but in other ways there’s so much going on in one fight at times how could anyone visually see or hear without the use of an addon to ease that confusion?

How is a new player supposed to understand how all this works?

Class halls. Evergreen content. Consistent source of player power. Cosmetic rewards.

Won’t happen while the current team still works on the game, it will be after microsoft takes over completely and replace the bads.


No new PVP content no new PVE content Still Arena BG Dungeon Raid.
Anima Grind
Conduit Grind
Codex Grind
Honor Grind
Rating Grind
Ember Grind
Item Level Grind
Renown Grind
Covenant Campaign Grind

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I agree that the current system feels bad going from x-pac to x-pac. Legion to BFA felt horrible to me for example but Tier made your Class feel better as well since the set Bonus’ actually changed how you play. The current systems are just Tier on 'roids.

I don’t mind Borrowed Power when done like it was in Legion. Blizz just didn’t pull it off in BFA and Shadowlands when compared to our Artifact Weapon.

For me it depends on how extensive it is. I’m fine with gear and gem slots. I am not fine with the systems upon systems that become so convoluted and overwhelming that I just tune them out. They took what they did in Legion and made it into this horrid monster that now needs put down.

The problem is the eventual ability bloat. There are threads created all the time about people who think there are too many abilities as it is. I personally would like more abilities but I recognize the risk of worsening the new player experience. I personally know more than 1 person who opened up Path of Exile’s skill tree and quit the game on the spot due to its size and complexity. A new player doesn’t want to open their spell book and see dozens and dozens of abilities.

Also…I imagine having a ton of abilities makes balancing difficult and in a way might limit potential new abilities. When you have a lot of existing abilities it can put constraints on any new ability as you have to consider the interaction between many more abilities.

You know, instead of borrowed powers, just add a talent with each expansion, a passive one. No more buttons, but another neat trick.

I’ll take Twilight Devastation please.

10.0 should be a bowling themed expansion so we can all get borrowed shoes instead of borrowed powers.

Good grief god why would you want such a thing :scream:
Borrowed power is always good :slight_smile:

I don’t care about borrowed power, but if they ever put in another borrowed system that involves me spending probably over half a million gold between all the specs and classes I play, not to mention all the time I’ve spent in Torghast, then I will be unsubbing and not playing that expac.

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Bake some borrowed power into a base or talent ability, like how Fiery Brand picks up Revel in Pain. Extra buttons are not needed, and we have something to show for our efforts.

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Rather then a removal of borrowed power we need to address the power balance of borrowed power vs nonborrowed power as it has gotten incredibly out of hand since legion. In legion they blasted every class to barebones and put them back together with the artifact weapon and legiondaries. In bfa they removed those powers and didn’t put the classes back and just kept throwing new pieces in the holes they made. Shadowlands repeated this again claiming the mistake of bfa was not filling enough holes early enough citing various borrowed power systems from bfa.

They need to make classes fun to play again without extraneous powers, and then have powers that spice things up like tier, or remove some power to give a new one. This would also significantly upgrade the leveling experience because playing a barebones character feels bad, you can even contrast this with classic stuff since some rank 1 spells are useful just for the mana cost.

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It’s actually to keep power disparity between expansions from becoming insane. The problem comes when they attach unnecessarily complicated systems to it.

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In concept borrowed power is fine, I wouldn’t mind it if in example it could carry into the next XP somehow but in a LIMITED sense.

What I mean is we spent ALL LEGION building up those weapons into awesome stats and items that where very good to just go “nope weapons dead as soon as exp hits you wasted all that time!” If the artifacts would have 'bled" little into the next XP then lose powers around almost max level (using 60 as a max level here) 58 ish that would have felt better: Powers of old waned you are now going to move forward into the next and repeat.

Same with the heart of Az. ONCE we hit shadow-lands it was fully useless? I think and feel if these borrowed powers just carry over into the next exp in some useful way then wane in power/stats/form is better then just doing full hard stop cut offs.

That is by no means perfect: but still better then what we currently have and do.