NO MORAL COMPASS RECRUITING for normal and heroic raiding for Shadowlands
We are a casual raiding guild that keeps things fun and drama free. We are looking for players who want to get aotc and are dedicated enough to learn their role, class and can come to the raids prepared.
We will bring Alliance once the patch drops. So if you have an ally toon and are interested feel free to message me.
We are also looking for people who want to run M+
we are looking to fill spots for the new expansion.
Currently Recruiting:
Ranged DPS
We also run m+ pushing high keys
Our raid nights are the following
Tuesday 8:00-10:00pm CST
Thursday 8:00-10:00pm CST
After AOTC we typically finish our Glory Achievements for the tier.
We also run m+ and do achievement runs.
add wakahiru#1986 to inquire about a raid spot