No moonfire in cat form?

This one is a sad kitty. :crying_cat_face:

There is a talent that lets you do that.


I think the current issue is no more bRez in cat form.

Only for bear and chicken druids. Cat druids can’t be cats.

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Lunar Inspiration should let you do that.

…unless they’re taking it out? Surely not.

As said, you can waste a talent point on it. Your DPS will probably suffer though.

They gave us moonfire as a Perk in WOD. Then used that as the basis for removing Faerie Fire. Then immediately took the moonfire perk away and replaced it with a talent. They should return Faerie Fire or the moonfire perk.


Can’t you still instant cast it with predatory instincts or whatever it is called?

The patch notes didn’t go into detail, so I wasn’t sure. Thanks!

I think it insta pops you out of cat form now so you have to spend the GCD to get back into cat.

Couple of threads on the PTR about it.

It doesn’t, at least it’s not doing so now on the ptr.

Well, that sucks. I’m a sad kitty again. :crying_cat_face:

No moonfire, but we have other forms of engaging abilities. Such as cat form increases your autoattack damage! Exciting!

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Moonfire can still be instant cast from catform with out needing to reshift.

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Now I’m just confused. Can we cast moonfire in cat form (without shifting out of it) or not?

Yes we can, atleast I was able to when I went onto ptr yesterday prior to making my post.

“and CAT DURIDS is no spam moonfare! Sum cat durids dosent no wut is uh moonfare!”

This belongs into the druid forums.