No monk nerfs 8)

I don’t think you have to worry about them not noticing mistweavers

Are you the guy from the “actually” meme?

BM not the best tank
MW literally worst healer
WW great dps, maybe best melee, but not best dps in game, and also harder to play than most mongoloid dps.

If you want to switch simply because of WW sure, but it far from the most problematic spec in the game right now begging for nerfs.

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Why would they? MW is a joke, literal dead spec that is unused in PvP and terrible in PvE compared to other healers. Tank monk is pretty good, not a god like prot paladins though. And WW has good damage, but they get deleted easily compared to many other DPS specs. They are also not the best consistantly on DPS meters for PvE, looking at logs for many raid streams and websites.

Love when people complain about monks, it is unjustified and makes no sense when they do. Monks actually need a buff and it should be for MW, everything else is fine for the class.


I agree. One shot mechanics for everyone. The first to hit the correct macro, legendary, gear, and covenant ability wins. Also please nerf warriors. I almost killed a rogue the other day, but then ran out of Condemns when he went below 80% health…

Oops, wrong warrior…
Though this one does look sexier than my Nelf! /flex

Oi, listen you little metro belf, I can beat the crap outta you any day (until you level) in that #@#% raiding guild and outgear me in a month or less…

Shaddap. He’s leveling me first!

I’ve been considering playing my monk. I wanna tank. Idc if it’s good or bad. It’s what I decided I liked best some time ago.

Shhhh don’t tell them about corrosive dosage, you’re gonna get us nerfed

Dude, I told you to level me, but you and your weird hangups about fat, hairy people…

What are you talking about, Rogue is really good, and finally shams do something. Last expantions shams really sucked.

What i see in these posts, are just people complaining because they don´t try to improve, and learn they´re class winning and lose conditions. Is all about practice to avoid incoming cc, know when you can burst targets, cc off targets and stuff that you require to pvp in good ways

Shadow wouldn’t touch WW even with massive pulls, because Fists, WDP, and Xuen’s lightning are all uncapped. But don’t worry, SCK only hits 6 mobs. For three times as much damage as Mind Sear. Every other global.

there’s like 12 of us at cap in all of NA, and the vast majority are MW getting rejected every time we try to join group content. XD

ww always nerf bats itself harder with scaling than blizz ever could.

No, I think I’ll continue to play the game with a character I enjoy.

You do you, though. Keep chasing that mythic raid spot or whatever…