No Mercy Mafia in Classic

NMM is getting back together for classic. We are still as bad as ever but if you want to smash horde all day get in touch with me at Jax#12247.




Now that’s an old crew that I wasn’t to hear from again.

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One of the biggest WPvP guilds ever to be on Emerald Dream Pre Panda land.


If old members are interested or anyone is interested hit me up on my btag Mhorti#1572 because we did start a discord.

Welcome to ED, we are glad you are here.

Been here, the point was y’all been mia for almost 10 years now


Ouch making me feel old. It actually slowed down about 7 years ago. I quit for a few years cause I hated Pandas. Played a couple expansions after but always more casual. Adulting is hard.

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We made a brief comeback at the end of wod beginning of legion. It didn’t last long unfortunately.

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Well now…

“Kasey with a K” contacted me earlier. Hi guys!

Also - Nahkona shush :stuck_out_tongue:


TINKEY! I have been trying to get a hold of you forever my dude! I in game mailed you the NMM classic discord server and gave you my btag.

<3 Mairail

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I love you Tink. Come back to me.

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NMM now theres a name I haven’t heard in a very long time, Brings back the good ol’ memories of fighting ya’ll on the isle and later around the world in Wrath.


Emphasis on the “you all” at the same time.

I never knew you played for both sides.

Lot of stuff happened been playing ally with my bro’s guild silently waiting to return.

Ah this is going to be exciting.

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Re-rolling my first character ever that I played from Dec of 2004 until Jan of 2007.

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[quote=“Jaxel-wyrmrest-accord, post:15, topic:246304, full:true”]
I never knew you played for both sides.
[/quote]A mistake I refuse to correct. Classic will let me fix my error.

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That’s what she said.

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