No marks of honor in AV, please

Would maybe have 15 players on each side only in it for the “immersive gameplay”. This is a loot based game. Everything that is done is in an attempt to get better and better loot. Sure there are players that play for other reasons, but they are the vast minority. Would even be willing to wager that even the players that claim to be doing AV for the experience, would probably only do maybe a handful of battles if there were really no valuable rewards for doing it.

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I remember when WSG was first released and how popular it was. AV came out and it was a huge hype for a bit but once everyone got the gear they wanted, they stopped Q’ing for it, and battles came much slower because they all went back to WSG farming because it gave you better overall honor rewards per day and you had more control over the outcome.
Once Arathi Basin was released, both WSG and AV became mostly ghost towns because AB was much more efficient then both of them for farming honor for pvp rewards.
You can try and make changes to try and make this NOT for the people trying to find the most effecient way to farm for better gear, but all that will do is make that event irrelevant and nobody will be doing it.

You are leaving crucial parts of the equation out.

  • AV requires a greater number of people to get it to pop.
  • AV faction ratio restricted its popping, and imbalanced realm factions caused it to suffer as a result
  • Just because AV was not popping often, does not mean there were not active AV instances on servers, but rather they just were not popping as frequently as WSG and AB

I am not leaving anything out. I witnessed this during my months of honor farming with my guild for rank 14(failed btw). People Q for a BG because of the rewards offered. You take out the rewards, and most people will not want to even bother with it regardless of the “experience” provided. Do you honestly think people would be running scholomance, strat, and dire maul if they or someone they are helping didn’t need anything from the dungeon?

Removing rewards from an event would only kill the event. I would argue that a better way to handle your issue would be:

  • Make changes to the mechanics that allow players to skip all the objectives to quickly end a BG. (could lock boss behind a door that will not open unless previous objectives are met)

But these changes are not going to happen, so really doesn’t matter

I and a great many others did just that.

The end would still have honor and rep. Just not a MoH.

Define “great many others”

Lessening rewards is still removing rewards. Players would still flock to the BG that gave them the most rewards.

You do realize that only a small % of the population raided and only a portion of the population was interested in PVP, right? What do you imagine they were doing in game?

Here, perhaps this will make it past your sniff test:
I and a number of others.

Just because they are not raiding, does not mean they are not doing objectives that give them rewards that they VALUE. Here are a few:

  • farming gold
  • working on professions
  • running 5 mans to get better gear( or helping friends)

All of these things listed have a clear reward that a player is after. Lessen any of these rewards, and players will no longer do these things. Could you imagine if they reduced the chance of catching a fish by 30%? Do you think people would still spend hours and hours next to a lake clicking a button (without botting)?

Because so many people were rapidly joining. The majority of 60s raided, though. This game was growing for 6 years, you have to factor that into your stats. True, most people didn’t raid in classic, but most people didn’t make it to 60 either, because most people were just starting.

[yet another citation missing]

Another citation missing

Seriously dude? Does the blizzard dev quote need to be posted every time the subject comes up?

There were no such things in Vanilla.

You earned honor points in BGs and winning the objective of the given battleground netted the most honor points.

Sometimes you get in groups that don’t quite get this, or who don’t care about winning the BG, but just want to zerg.

Sometimes you get great groups that are comprising good players who know how to play the BGs, and you have some great matches.

It is and was much more fun in Vanilla than it is in Retail. I expect Classic BGs to be the same as Vanilla.

With regard to AV, we are getting the reference client version, which is to say, the abbreviated, “nerfed” version where many elites have been replaced with normal mobs and it’s not possible to extend the match endlessly.

But for my money AV was always a blast. Am looking forward to playing it again.

Back to the topic, honor points will provide the opportunity to get some cool gear and mounts. I don’t expect MoH to be included in Classic at all.

you have not to worry alot of us will yoin AV, with the sole intent to turtle it… glorius will the bridge fight be !

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v 1.8.0:
Each Battleground has an individual turn-in quest associated with its related victory/loss condition. Upon completion of a Battleground, the winning side will be awarded three Marks of Honor while the losing side will be awarded one Mark of Honor. Three Marks of Honor may be turned in to the associated questgiver for Honor points and faction increase. Should players complete this turn-in quest, they will find that the bonus Honor Points for completion are twice that of normal turn-in conditions (individual).

OK sorry, I should have been clear:

MoH as used in Retail are garbage for transmog.

MoH as used in Vanilla were redeemable for honor points.

Net result: you get honor points and not useless trash.

Correct. And since you get honor for winning AV already, and get honor for all of the individual BG objectives within AV, MoHs are not needed.

What created the lose quickly mentality was reinforcements not marks of honor.

The version we’re getting in classic doesn’t have reinforcements so there’s plenty of incentive to not just let them win. And of course without reinforcements it’s actually possible to win after a rush gets broken so there’s even more incentive to not give up.

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I like getting extra honor. And I always loved Bonus Honor weekends as well. Bring it!

Extra honor provides an incentive to the team to meet the BG objectives. I think that’s in and of itself a great reason for it.