No mail from blizz for my timewalking item?

So yesterday i did the timewalking event and got a 441 flamewarped curio from the weekly quest which was obviously bugged.

Today there was a blue post saying I should have recieved and item in the mail, for the bug that occured. I did not recieve any ingame mail with loot.

Please clarify why I missed out but others didn’t? I opened the box before the hotfix, which makes me elligible for the mail. Unless I just havent been sent anything yet.

Otherwise i might just re-roll. Just a pain spending hours doing something for no reward.

the current issue is impacting all players who received the curio.

you weren’t singled out.


Us curio holders sure are unlucky

i hope they’re able to fix this for you all… it’s a real double-whammy :pensive: