No longevity to this mode due to death by bugs and glitches

We all die to bugs and glitches. If we play long enough, we will die of a glitch. Imagine putting in 1k hours on your favorite toon (cause you are good) to die to a glitch. How long before the majority of players get frustrated at this and quit for good? WoW’s fanbase is not unlimited. I think Blizzard’s current policy of no rezzes dying to a glitch is stupidity on their part. Or the most common problem with Blizzard these days is the sheer lack of intelligence to not think ahead (releasing OW and D4 on Steam. Horrible idea). I hope they allow exceptions for players dying to glitches in the future, but I doubt it. I know I am not the only one who feels this way, but let’s see what the community has to say :slight_smile:


So you want Blizzard to give you a free pass because you died to a “glitch”. Well, if they give you a free pass, they have to give you, myself and everyone else a free pass including those before us. Oh, and then you will have folks complaining that it was not fair to them.

Well guess what? The only way that it’s fair is for Blizzard to warn you which they 100% did and I know you read it because you are required to click the Accept button before you can even create a character. This is a you problem – not a Blizzard problem.


What glitch was it?

Perhaps you should look at one of the non HC servers, they offer many options for you to “save” yourself if such a glitch might occur.

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I completely forgot they are unable to change their tos. Thank you gracious one for reminding us.

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Hmm another doomsday soothsayer. Begone foul wretch.

HC will probably not have a lot of longevity, but it’s not because of this. People will just get bored of it, like any other thing. You’re not getting appeals. Deal with it.


Mhm, you put me in my place. Don’t ask questions. Just consume.

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What question could I have that you would possibly have the answer to? :rofl:

It doesn’t matter if you die from legit reasons, you will get bored of doing the same starter zones and quests eventually. Everyone has their limit. Yea a bug/glitch/dc sucks, but so does any other death.

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just let him consume and be happy. what is it to you that he’s enjoying the game?

I was enjoying playing and then I fell through the elevator in Gnomer. So I remade then fell through the boat in Theramore. I would legitimately feel better about dying if I had done something dumb and pulled too many mobs, but no, I die to 15 year old glitches.

This gamemode definitely has no longevity in mind and is only filler till they release whatever haphazardly thrown together SoM 2 or Classic+ garbage.


Thank you.

You understand. Look at the previous replies to my OP. They are almost completely apathetic. They can not comprehend anyone else’s negative experience; a lack of empathy. It is like they have an agenda for Blizzard. Anyone who thinks outside of Blizzard’s tos must be the problem.

Would you want to share anything with this person if you knew them in real life?

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D/Cing in the middle of a flight path and then logging back in and falling to your death is certainly a very unpleasant way to go.


I keep hearing that’s a common problem. Sorry if it happened to you.

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I had a DC during a flight path, though was able to log back in and was still on the griffin.

Wondering if you have a 20sec time limit to get back in before it dismounts

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Yea you got to pop back in immediately. as you d/c on flight path. But I have only ever had that happen to me one time ever. I’m more worried of my newly made alts dying to a full on stampede zerg rush of murlocs than I am about dying from a flight path D/C.

My worst death in HC though was because of layering… in a cave. We were in a group and we both somehow ended up in different layers same cave randomly out of the blue and we were both left alone to fight all the mobs in the cave so we both died. Layering is a feature added in during Shadowlands and so has no place here in the HC classics.


Your ideas are horrible. If whiners like you get your wish hardcore wouldn’t exist.

Yeah, it would certainly suck to lose a char in that manner, but it would suck a lot more if Blizz actually honored any restores. It would be better if these bugs didn’t exist, but at the same token a lot of people are apparently playing on toaster connected to dial-up. That’s really nobody’s problem except the one smelling the burning bread…

My personal stance has been that absolutely no individual character restores for any reason. A collective character/server restore is on the table for me if they are going to rollback a whole server because every character has died, or something to that effect. Guess that would be more a server restore than a character one

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Just randomly? That’s super weird. The only time that’s happened to me is when questing, a friend asked if I could loan them some silver and I logged off to swap toons for a minute. When I got back I was still grouped with my wife, but we were in different layers. Had to drop group and re-party to get back to the same one.

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That’s how I went out.

Som2 wen


You can’t get a full appeal process for every “bug” death but they can do better than “DCed while flying? Better luck next life.” At least put in something that makes you land at your next stop if you DC while on a flight path.