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Closed thank you for replies.

I Would LOVE to add a Competent WW Monk to my Raid Comp. Give this a Look over and see if it’s something you might be interested in, We are Currently 9/9N and progressing into Heroic Tomorrow! Soon as Nelth is down, we are moving on to Mythic Kazz before Week is over. This is all from Pugs. I can’t wait to see what we can do with actual consistent, competent players!

Hope to hear from you, if not. Good luck on your adventuring!

Discord - Diagnostixx#0071
Btag - Diagnostixx#1337

Hey Puzzlit,
I’m Part of Current and we are looking to recruit some like minded players that want to stick to a casual Mythic raid schedule. What do I mean by that well we want to have a fun and social environment where we raid Tuesday and Thursday 9pm-12pm est.

You may look into us and see we are a new guild, Most of us are ex hardcore raiders. Our aim is to grab our AOTC and push through mythic content. We are fun loving people with a strive for clearing content in a semi serious manner.

Current progression
9/9N, 5/9H

Discord Tristrem#0363
B net Tristrem#1953

I wish you all the best and hope to hear from you soon.

Hello Puzzlit,

Midlife Crisis guild on Area-52 is looking to add a WW monk to our raid team. We are raiding Tue/Wed/Thu 9p-11:45p eastern and are currently 2/9H along with weekly clear of normal to keep gearing up the team. We are a welcoming group of adults and work to help each other get better as the team progresses. If you are interested in talking more or would like to contact me you can on Discord at BigPoppaKane#5270 or on BNET at Karlzmon#1583. Thanks and I hope to hear from you soon.