No Longer Queuing for Battleground Blitz in DF (Feedback)

Healers could/can have nearly infinite mana, and can still fail to save a teammate if… appropriate MS effects are used on kill target, healers are CCed, silenced, knocked off cliffs, mind controlled, teleported or gripped to Narnia, and interrupted. My argument that healers are appropriately tuned to heal comes from the knowledge that their healing output matters not if you prevent them from being in range of the objective or are made otherwise ineffective.

A healer left to do what they want is super effective. If the above mentioned tools/tactics are used against healers, they become as useless as anyone else being stun locked and yeeted off cliffs.

Rets mediocre damage is all it has going for it, that’s a problem because simply cc’ing the Ret removes the only semi-useful thing they can do. Most healers can prevent Rets burst with CC and defensives during all of its Crusade or AR buff and stay full health until all the Ret has is really pathetic sustained damage for the next 40 or so seconds. All successful Rets have specs on its team nearby making good use of all the tools Ret can’t have to actually get kills. Also Templar Hero talents are truly garbage, for Ret to have a chance to do consistently well, Herald of the Sun with be used, and favorable tuning will be required.

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That’s what I’d like to see.

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Ret normally makes little to no progress in team fights because it is nearly always in a fear/stun/root/snare/mind control an has its only knockback preventative measure be a dispellable Divine Shield, which causes Forbearance disabling most of its off CD defensives. It is easier to do damage for farther reaching ranged specs, and having more CC, instant mobility, silences, better self healing in their damage rotation, MS and invisibility help some melee be effective in ways Ret cant. None of this is news.

Blitz suffers from long queues paired with short BGs and boring strats.

For example: Only two bases active and running the flag switches which ones? Cap and turtle both bases, ignoring flag.

300% movement speed in mines? Forget escorting the carts. Group up and focus on capping two of them right before they score.

Winner is the team that commits hardest to the boring strat.

From a healer perspective ( I’ve been playing HPriest, Arcane Mage and MM Hunter for the last few months ), the amount of times I get precog’d while literally not casting is beyond comical. I think the issue with healers being “unkillable” is just the sheer amount of people that have no idea how to play the game.


Well said!

Slowing, disrupting and locking down healers, tanks + who ever else is nearby before they entire a fight/objective is extremely satisfying.


All precog takes is two different people to try to interrupt you at the same time. BAM- immune to interrupt and stun, even if you were interrupted in the same second.