No Longer Queuing for Battleground Blitz in DF (Feedback)

I think this has more to do though with you maybe being a good player. You can absolutely hard carry a random bg because people are terrible and gear is terrible so you can 1v5. This is somewhat rated so you’re playing people your skill and just as geared as you.

You’re never going to get this from any sort of rated mode whatsoever. Eventually you get to your people and it’s always tight.

I do feel this a tad for sure. One mistake can cost the game it feels like… But still, every now and then it feels like you can make a sick play and make a comeback.

Nooooo. Even 2000 mmr has honor level 5 warlocks that don’t know what a soulwell is. And trust me, a completely geared main is OP vs. someone who is simply scaled.


Yeah this mode is trash. Id rather do Deep Six than this mess.

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I played Blitz for the participation quests (conquest) and vault. It was nice to have the opportunity to experience vault before it goes away for PvP, which is a good thing.

Going forward I’ll probably play a lot less, or not play at all, because:

  • I don’t need conquest anymore
  • I don’t need vault anymore besides maybe getting some gem sockets
  • queue times are too long
  • the ready check process is inept
  • it’s not actually a solo mode / duos are allowed and have an advantage
  • it’s luck based to get a good team, comp, healers
  • it feels like only one team gets competent healers
  • people who don’t care about winning waste my time
  • people clueless/uninterested in how to play the maps waste my time
  • rating doesn’t make sense, can’t be trusted
  • a few maps aren’t designed well for the mode, will they be looked at?
  • there’s no info from blizz that makes me think the mode is ready to be rated
  • it’s not fun enough / why queue if it’s just meh

That’s it for now, lol. Basically I have no confidence the mode will be good except for duos and/or FotM specs. I also don’t trust it’ll be fun when rating is added because that’ll make players even more toxic.


I have had a fair bit of fun playing these maps again, gotta admit. Though sometimes they’re so obviously mismatched (comp) it’s mentally painful. lol

how are randoms not worse in everything you mentioned here outside of queue time? only 1 team having competent healers is actually much better than not having any healers at all while the other team does…lol


Ah for sure it happens… But at 2k it’s pretty seldom. My poor under geared alts in the 1400 wasteland is a disaster lol…

Agreed. A fully geared main can 1v3 or more depending… It’s kinda crazy. Still I think the op said 2400? I think it would be pretty rare up there.

But yeah people stuck at 1400 on a geared main are there for a reason.

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He’s 2400 in solo shuffle which is actually rated. Blitz isn’t like that (for now).

This mode will become toxic once people start to realize that I’m right… 8v8 is too small to have it ruined by two Honor Level 1s, 5s, 7s, 57s, etc. If the system doesn’t separate these players - the mode will die. I’ll play until about 1800 rating - and if I see an Honor Level 3 back peddling - I’ll quit, like I have now.

Snowcrest has started to come around…

The rest of you need to.

Blitz needs an Honor Level 100 requirement… and that’s even low.

Ah my bad. I misread that… I don’t know if it changes anything I said though.

This has to be the most out there take I’ve seen :rofl: I actually can’t tell from your posts though if you’re trolling people or genuine. You never know with the internet. So way to walk the line…

Anyways solo shuffle is genuinely a massive downgrade from regular 3s and it’s still the most popular and qued form of rated PvP right now.

Blitz is far from perfect but to me it’s not really a downgrade on random BG’s (just different )and it’s a massive upgrade on shuffle. Instead of dying I’d wager it will be the most qued rated format in the game.

Might be even more popular than randoms which would be saying something. Only reason to play randoms would be if you’re one of the epic bg que syncers or have a lot of people you want to play randoms with…


I actually enjoy Blitz, but I probably won’t play it as much just for two of the reasons you mentioned:

  • Queue times are too long
  • Duos being allowed

Other than that will probably just focus on RSS, hopefully queue times there get better too.

The funny thing is a lot of what the OP is talking about isn’t Blitz itself and has to do more with the game being balanced around 3v3. RBGs have the same issues. Healers being really OP, nothing dying etc.

This is also a Battle for Gilneas issue. The map didn’t change much for BGB unlike others. It plays the same way in randoms and normal rbgs.


I noticed a trend. Comments of healers being OP almost exclusively comes from specs with no knock backs, least CC that won’t break fast from damage, no instant mobility to dodge casted CC, no shadowmeld to dodge casted CC because Night elves can’t be Paladins, no way to cast silence on the healer(outside of searing glare which gets you Holy locked if you dare to press it), no MS, and you are also unfavourably tuned in the damage department.

A Priest healer, Blood DK, and any DPS rush you while you guard LH, maybe you survived until 2 friends show up, likely just because they spawned there they actually arrive before you die.
How do you as Ret reduce healing done by the priest?
You can’t hit the priest because you are feared, if you bubble the fear while out of melee range you get dispelled and have Forbearance and Divine Shield on CD after having it for 2 seconds, your teammates hit everyone you disoriented with blinding light, you’re getting hurt from all three of them, your self healing is trash, and costs GCDs removing most of your damage while you back pedal(try to live).
If you survive the 28 seconds of Forbearance you get feared from the priest while Blessing of Spellwarding is active because you wanted to attempt to survive an enemy caster.
You are kind of S O L unless your teammates provide essential tools Ret can’t have.

There are several specs that excell at limiting healer effectiveness, but many don’t have ALL of those tools. As a solo queue person going into a Blitz, you can choose to play a spec that inconveniences enemy healers, or hope someone on your team does it for you. What you won’t do is nerf healers until any one player of any spec can solo any spec healer, because all those Anti-healer tools I mentioned would be so oppressive healers would stop queuing. It’s a balance and also a sliding scale. Ret is on the extra low end of “good Vs healer” viability, doesn’t mean all healers are OP, Ret just has some weaknesses.

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Paladin is far from the only thing I play. Me saying healer are OP, nothing dying isn’t not true. Its what happens in RBGs right now. The only reason a healer may die in unrated BGs easily is usually because of a gear issue, or a game knowledge issue.

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I always thought “comebacks” were rare in general… in any BG content.

idk man, I play a ton of healers and feel like an unkillable god 99% of the time.
Only real exceptions would be against teams stacking MM hunters or dot classes chugging chrimson embers.
They’re definitely balanced with dampening in mind.


Nah, RBGB is money in the bank.


It’s interesting… When two healers are together they definitely feel invincible. Solo they definitely feel killable with well placed kicks and stuns and a high dam class like you said.

I still kinda feel like blitz should be 10 a side with 2 healers a side…


Maybe the occasional MW monk takes a while to take down, when I’m on my MM, but healers are pretty much immoral Vs my Ret. You being a good healer may be higher skilled than the typical Blitz healer my MM faces, or my Ret always faces God healers, or maybe having certain tools(silences, more CC, MS effects)or not, changes how well I can do my job.

rets do insane damage to healers. nobody can kill a competent, geared healer 1v1 though that’s normal, otherwise they couldn’t heal their team effectively if 1 dps is enough to out damage their healing. it should normally take 3 dps to drop a healer if the dps and the healer press their buttons correctly.

that is the problem though with blitz. 2 healers should only struggle against 6~ dps and how often do you have all 6 dps in the same spot as the 2 healers? on no planet are 2 healers dying in a double 4 dps 2 healer fight over a cap while they still have mana. what ends up happening is one side ooms and finally dies…by then the game has gone on a pretty long time and is half over.

it needs to be 10v10 with 8 dps so stacked healers die a bit easier.

outside of that and queue times blitz is far better than randoms.