No Longer looking

Am an older player, just came back after a break to have some fun before the new expansion next year. Just want to find a relaxed and easy to hang out with group of older people who enjoy casual M+, PVP, older content for mogs or whatever

I main Devastation Evoker and have a couple alts I like to play fairly regular - Feral Druid and Fury Warrior

Hi Calendrathal, “Insanity Raiding” (18+) may be a good fir for you. We have a number of older players here that are 50+, including myself (age 66). We have been a guild since 2010, and are a Casual Progressive. We are now Amir. N 7/9, and our raid is non-benching. Our raid days are T/W 7:45-10pm EST. Besides raiding our guild does practically everything else M+ (both low & KSM-GM is KSM and loves doing keys when she is online), some PVP (BGs), TWs, Old content runs (Mounts, pets, transmogs), etc. Members here are friendly and enjoy running things together, besides being helpful when needed. If you would like either more info/invite, Just IM me in game, but if you can’t catch me online and just desire an invite, then go directly to guild-finder and apply to “Insanity Raiding” (under Raid, not Social tab), and we will invite you through there. Hope to have you join our family!

Hi I’d like to present you with another option if your willing, we are still building the guild Thunder Struck, but am looking for people just like you to join us. I have a post in the forums if you want to check it out. If you have questions you can add my btag Mabon#1445 I will answer you any time I am on.


Avoidable Damage is an AoTC-focused guild and looking to add more to our team! We play at a heroic raid level, and are transitioning into casual Mythic. We maintain a high level of play while honoring our real-life commitments. M+ and raids are our focus, but if you are interested in simply being a part of an active, fun, chill community, hit us up!


We raid Tuesday/Thrusday at 8:00-11:00 PM EST.

Our recruitment needs are below. Please note we offer server transfers for the right candidates!

Main Team: Closed
Developmental Team: Open
Mythic +: Open

Main Team: Holy Pally, Mistweaver, Holy Priest
Developmental Team: Anything but Druids
Mythic +: Open

Main Team: Enhancement Shaman, Havoc DH, Feral Druid
Developmental Team: Open
Mythic +: Open

Main Team: Devastion Evoker, Elemental Shaman, Shadow Priest
Developmental Team: Open
Mythic +: Open

ANY are welcome to apply!


We have fun! We like to joke around and poke fun at one another, but when it comes down to it, it’s crunch time.
We help out! We offer in-depth analysis of parses to improve your game. We assist with consumables, enchants, walkthroughs.
We Raid! Our aim is to establish a team to achieve AoTC. Feasts and phials will be provided by the guild.
We key! Whether you’re someone with 2.5k+ .io or someone with little experience when it comes to keys, we’re always looking for people keen to run keys and hit KSM with.

People who want to be part of a community that knows how to joke around but take the boss pulls seriously.
Raid and M+ interest.
Be part of a team and improve on their performance.
If you are interested, hit us up here, in game, or Discord (preferred):

Bnet: Kngx#1668, Discord: .kngx !!!

Found a guild, thanks to all that replied and helped out!