No longer wanthing this to be up here. found a weekend guild for my alt sham
Hey there! Evolve on Area 52 is looking for a core healer for our mythic progression team and a resto shaman would be a great fit.
We raid Tues and Wed 8pm-11pm est, and occasionally optional normal on an off day. We also have people running keys regularly!
We are 1/9 Mythic BDA.
In Uldir, we rebuilt and casually got 2/7M.
Our Legion progression:
13/13M ABT
8/9M TOS
10/10 NH
3/3M TOV
7/7M EN
My btag is Ara#11756
Hi Lowtide,
Depending on your raiding availability, we may be a good fit! Message me if I can answer any questions. Best of Luck in your search!!
Just Freakin Started- Garrosh (age 18+) is an active social guild with a semi-hardcore raid team. We’re recruiting like-minded people who want to contribute to our community. We’re pleased to host weekly M+, open, and progression raids. JFS is home to both experienced veterans and new players alike. We flask, feed, enchant and gem our raid team. We offer lots of guild perks in a laid-back atmosphere that still gets stuff done. Currently building our progression raid roster; especially interested in robust players seeking less elitism & drama, while still getting raid results! Raid 8pm-12 EST F/Sa. Progression roster requires: 380, Discord, DBM/BossMods, and Angry Assignments. Guild AOTC Uldir, 2/8M Uldir. 7/9N 2/9H BoD. Check us out on gamerlaunch “justfreakinstarted” Discord kiyoshie#1993
Hi Lowtide!
I am GM of Titan Forged on Bleeding Hollow Horde
Server is EST, mid pop
Currently we are 1/9M 6/9H
Raid Times: Tues/Wed (core progression days) 9:30-12:30 est (invites at 9:15). We also plan stuff on Thurs/Mon (usually farm content and/or alt runs, optional)
Guild is pretty active outside of raid times. Many guildies run m+ at various skill levels. We welcome casual/social players as well; we like to make the guild feel like a home
Here is a link to my guild recruit forum post, if you would like the long version!
My bnet: mistique#1844
My disc: mistique717#3503
Hey there! I can funnel you some Mythic gear <3
[1/9M][8/9H] // [7/8M(G’huun 0% Wipes)]
- {Thirteen Thirty Seven} of Mal’Ganis [H]-
Is Currently recruiting for Tides Of Vengeance. We’re looking to fill out our roster and push to finish with a decent ranking in the US for the Battle for Dazar’Alor.
Raid Times:
- Tuesday - 8:30PM-12:00AM EST [5:30-9PST]
- Wednesday - 8:30PM-12:00AM EST [530-9PST]
2 days a week. 7 hours a week. That’s it. All progression and farm we do will be done within the raid schedule. Another hour MAY or MAY NOT be added to raid for pushing top end kills.
Any other organized activities will be 100% optional.
- Range DPS: Shadow Priest, Warlock, Mage, Elemental Shaman
- Melee DPS: Demon Hunter, Retribution Paladin
Contact Information:
GM: Kameron#1822
- Pachyderm#1286 (Btag)
- Loupy#1350 (Btag)
- Wolffy#1290 (Discord)
Discord: The Pachyderm#6698
Hello Lowtide, we’d be interested in chatting and seeing if we’d be a good fit.
Short version: Mythic Guild LFM Raiders
GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517
I have two raid teams I think you should check out if your goal is Cutting Edge. = ) One is Alliance and the other is Horde.
Astral on Turalyon:

Tues/Wed/Thurs 9pm-12am EST
- 1
Restoration Shaman
- 1
Blood OS
- 1
DPS Warrior
Developers of Astral Keys Addon
Synthesis on Turalyon (Weekday):

Mon-Thurs 10pm-1am EST
- 1
Restoration Shaman
- Always considering exceptional applications.
If you have questions, feel free to contact me @ Sieara#1968 (btag) or Sieara#6473 (discord, easiest way to find me) or Pandapriest @ PandaToons#1346 (btag) or PandaToons#7304 (disc). I have a very organized roster overview as well if you have questions or concerns about the roster, how large, etc. The rosters are here:
Link to my other teams if you’re curious:
9/9h 1/9M Former us-100 but more chill hours, super active m+ community - Alpha AF on Thrall. Just lost a core resto shaman to irl, love your neck progress and raider io activity - add me to chat. Iamawesome#1439
we raid tues/wed 8-12est w/ a 15 minute break every raid.
Simple Math is currently looking for players who love both PvE and PvP content and want to push themselves to be the best! Things you should know about us:
- Guild founded in 2006 and has achieved all relevant raiding server firsts since Tier 6 (yes, everything).
- We raid Tuesday-Thursday 8:00pm-12:00am EST . We run other optional content and sales throughout the week.
- We run a small roster - players are recruited to raid, not sit on the bench.
Our application forums are always open to exceptional applicants of all classes but right now we are seeking the following classes:
- Tanks: Closed
- Healers: RESTO DRUID & PRIEST/Rsham
- DPS: Melee: Open Ranged: Open
Here are a few things that we look at in potential recruits:
- Able to take as well as give criticism respectfully and objectively.
- Attend all three raid nights per week. Repeat absences will result in immediate demotion.
- Ability and willingness to play multiple specs.
- Social players with a good sense of humor that are able to communicate through Discord.
Group applications are welcome but we will not be held hostage by package deals. Anybody interested in joining can fill out an application on our website.
Guild Website:
Hey Lowtide! Occasional Excellence’s weekend team currently has a core spot open for a resto shaman. We raid Friday and Sunday and were 8/8M in Uldir and are currently 8/9H and 1/9M. Check out our post for more information!
Salt Factory [8/8M Uldir - 1/9M BFD]
Salt Factory is a later evening guild located on Tichondrius - US, formerly known as Insomnia of Sargeras. Over the years, we've built a community of people who genuinely like playing together. We wanted to once again come together and create something for BFA. We believe in the mantra "raid smarter, not harder" and established a guild built upon that belief. While there are many of us that have raided at the higher echelons of the US raiding scene, we believe that rank means nothing without genuinely caring where you raid and who you surround yourself with. We place importance on the morale and atmosphere of the raid, and have endeavored to provide an environment that can be thoroughly enjoyed to its fullest while staying competitive.
While our raiding times or community may not be ideal for all, we're a guild with personality, that prides ourselves on our unique, and down-to-earth atmosphere. With each passing tier we strive to not only improve as individuals, but together as a team. Because we believe that teamwork is the most crucial building block of any successful guild.
What you can expect from us :
- Guild leadership focused on not only progression but the overall health of the guild
- Reliable and skilled players who share a common goal
- A social atmosphere not commonly found in progression guilds
What we expect from you :
- Reliability
- Ability to communicate clearly & efficiently
- Ability to adapt quickly
- Consistency & punctuality [showing up every night, and on time is a MUST].
- Genuine commitment
- Experience and the knowledge to play your class to its fullest!
Tues - Weds - Thursday : 8 PM-11 PM PST (11 PM - 2 AM EST] / [10 PM -1 AM CST]
PROGRESSION (during content) :
- T20 - 8/9M before calling it for the expac. best kill US#97
- T19 - US#96
- T18 - US#165
- T17 - US#119
- T16 - US#136
- T15 - US#94
Contact any of the officers for questions or concerns!
Officer Contact info :
GM : Bnet - Kisshot#1230
Recruitment Officer : Bnet - Tida#1933
Raid Times:
Tues-Weds 8PM-11PM EST
Mon 8PM-11PM EST (Off night)
After achieving 5/8M Uldir, we have decided to push harder and try for CE in BoD. Looking for like minded players!
Current BoD Progress:
Uldir Progress:
8/8 N
8/8 H
5/8 M
Current Needs:
Holy / Shadow Priest
Balance Druid
MW Monk
Resto/ele Shaman
Ret Pally
All exceptional players considered. We are always looking for friends to run content with.
Achieved 5/8M in Uldir raiding with a pretty static roster. We did not extend our 6 hour raid week and ran into attendance issues. For BoD, the officer core has decided to recruit and strive for CE in BoD.
We are active in M+ and gearing outside raid to push the raid team further.
This is a great team of people, with fair and intelligent leaders. Exceptional raiders who don’t have the time for hardcore raiding, but want to progress in challenging content are the right fit for us. We have a fairly active discord, and guild members involved in a variety of games. If you are interested, please contact any of the officers below:
Salte#11646 - GM
Recruitment Officer:
Battlenet Lucast#1127
Discord Lucast#0562
Hellooooooo Lowtide!
Immortals is a 7/9N, 4/9H recruiting for Dazar’alor.
We’ve been an active raiding guild for over 5 years now. We’re a laid back group who likes to kill things and try to have fun doing so. We’re current seeking like minded people who want to do some Mythic raiding.
What we’re looking for: Players who want to raid Mythic, of course!
Specifically, we’re looking for 1m Tank, Healers and Exceptional DPS. We’d love for you to join us!
When we’re looking for it: Now!
We’ve almost built our Mythic roster, but we need just a few more awesome people to get us where we want to be. So many other guilds will fold under the pressure, but not Immortals! Join us and have some fun!
What time was that?
Raid times are Mythic Tuesday / Thursday 8-11pm PST
Casual runs for alts & members that need gear Wednesday / Sunday (Funday!) 8-11pm PST
Why should I join you?
Because we value sexy dwarves, we like toast, we play other games together (see Diablo III), we’re welcoming, we’re altoholics, we post random videos in discord chat (view at your own risk). We kill mythic stuff. Maybe not as fast as the best and fastest on the server, but we’ll get there. Faster than a good number! Maybe if you join us we’ll get there even faster!
What if I just want to hang out in guild and level? Do you do other stuff?
That’s awesome! We have some casual members and there’s normally someone doing something around. Our main focus is raiding, but we also do dungeons, pet battles, PvP, level alts, do old content. We like having people around, even if your schedule or play style mean you can’t join in raiding shenanigans. We have some “intro to raiding” nights on Wed/Sun for those who have never raided but want to try.
You’re so awesome, I want in!
Sweet. You can add my btag (Validas#1299) or Keitaro’s (Keitaro#1271). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through a whisper. Will love you long time. Cookies and toaster pastries for all!
Thirst - Illidan is a newly formed late-night Mythic guild led by a former top 3 US-guild raider.
We aim to clear content effectively and efficiently raiding 2 nights a week:
Friday/Saturday 9-1PST (11PM-3AM Server)
Our raid leader has experience raiding at the highest level and leading a two-night guild. Our raid team is made up of various former top 20 US raiders with some currently raiding at the highest levels and competing for world first on their mains. Due to some of our raiders going for WF on their mains, we will not be doing mythic during the first week of release.
If you’re a decent player and person then we want you. Current roster is flexible so come as you are, we’re looking to take the player not the class. Chill atmosphere. We want to clear content and enjoy the game/content/experience simultaneously while also getting cutting edge.
Please contact us with any questions you may have.
Raid Leader
Bnet: Bologna#1440 Discord: Bologna#3487
Bnet: Lulzies#1540
Name: Alpha AF
Server: Thrall
Faction: Horde
Progress: 7/8M Uldir - 9/9H 1/9M BoD
Times: 8-12 EST - Tues/Wed
⦁ Resto Shaman
⦁ Shadow Priest
⦁ Rogue
⦁ Hunter
If you are a great player looking for a relaxed schedule with a former US-100 guild we might be the right fit. We sell tons of M+, push keys, and pvp in free time.
Contact me @ iamawesome#1439 on bnet or Awe#6997 on discord
Hey Lowtide!
Added you!
About the Big Brain Boys
Server: Illidan
Progression: 9/9N, 4/9H
Personal Loot System: RCLootCouncil*
*All tradeable loot is equally distributed to those who need it. We are trying to gear the raid as a whole so we can progress together.
Raid Times:
- Friday/Saturday 6p-10p PST
- Sunday 6p-8p PST (Extra day for progression, officers’ decision)
We are a newly formed Horde Mythic progression guild, our main goal being Cutting Edge in BFA.
We want to establish a group of committed individuals to progress through Mythic content toward our goal. Not at breakneck speed, but at a constant rate of progression.
Our founders are active players who come from backgrounds in Mythic+ and Heroic/Mythic raiding guilds (in WoD, Legion, and BFA)–but ultimately desired more in the way of Mythic progression.
For more info about us please check out our recruitment post linked below!
Bnet: LadyPluu#1299
Discord: Pluu#1299