No Lil' Bonechewer after getting achievement "Worm Theory


Several people who didn’t get Lil’ Bonechewer with the achievement have now reported finding him added to their pet roster.

Remte has reported in the Discord that completing Worm Theory today granted the pet.

I think we can classify this one as solved. :+1:


I just completed the achievement Worm Theory, but did not receive the reward Lil’ Bonechewer either in my pet collection, in my bags, or in the mail after a logout.

I believe this bug was noted during beta, as well, and is mentioned several times in Wowhead comments.


Guessing you play on EU, correct? The quest still hasn’t shown up on NA realms, but Wowhead comments seem to support that the pet isn’t being awarded.

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Yup, first day EU. You’ll likely get it tomorrow.

This is a useful forum for people to search, to find whether a bug is already known, and add their case.

Grub Run is up in NA too and same the pet not being rewarded.


After resets? I’m seeing Wormcraft Rumble, which I already have on the achievement track.

Who is your pact with? If it makes any difference at all I chose The General this week.


Grun Run spawns in the northwest part of the zone, away from the other two. I see it as well.


Same problem here.

Oceanic server, so basically NA server, and just completed the Grub Run WQ and got the achievement but the Lil Bonechewer pet has not been awarded.


Two pets bugged then, Waxwick and Lil’ Bonechewer. Didn’t receive any of them

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ye same here. another pet from an achiev that hasnt given any rewards. both waxwick and lil’ bonechewer were not received


same issue

Thank you. I have no idea why I didn’t think to look. I guess I assumed they were all in the same general area!

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I completed Worm Theory today too. No Lil’ Bonechewer reward. I’m on NA servers.

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Same. Just completed the quest and got the achievement on NA with no pet reward.

I’ve restarted the game, including the launcher and did a complete UI reset. Still no Lil’ Bonechewer.

Adding my report also. Just got the achievement and no pet awarded.

I am adding my report as well. On NA server. Did not receive pet after achievement.

Yup. completed Grub Run today. No pet.

Yep. I was happy on finally finishing this achievement. Of course, no pet.

Bug reported submitted. No pet for me either.

I also did not receive the pet.


I have also reported bug in-game. Get it together, Blizzard. This a LONG-known issue.