No LFG but we're keeping layering?

So I completely agree with them removing that LFG Addon. But with that said, if Blizzard doesn’t want people exploiting that to keep classic authentic, how can Blizzard be okay with keeping layering in this game.

We already saw the race to world first level 60 get ruined because of people exploiting layering en masse. The servers, despite massive queues, still feel empty in many places. The auction house on EVERY server is already getting overstuffed with low level mats from people layer farming nodes.

Everything about layering is just taking huges chunks of my interest out of this game. It’s complete garbage and every single minute, not day, that it stays in this game it dilutes the greatness of it even more.

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I have no idea what you’re talking about. I keep running into the same people over and over again and it’s amazing.

Group with someone in Wailing Caverns one day. See them running by in Hillsbrad the next. Chat with someone while waiting for the Airship to Orgrimmar then a few days later run into them again trying to do the same Class quest in the Barrens, end up joining them for a group.

What is the issue exactly?


If youve read anything from the devs it is very short term.
While the game gets through its initial shock period

This. I’m running into the same people over and over. No idea what you are on about.

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very short term? they aren’t removing layering until phase 2…that’s in like 3 months.

That’s great for you, I haven’t been seeing that many people myself. There are multiple issues I mentioned in my post, not just seeing the same people. The worse issue is people exploiting it, which you failed to address. How are you going to only mention one thing and then ask me “what is the issue exactly?” the issues are endless with layering.

Fair enough. What issues are you referring to exactly?

Isn’t it possible that the reason the auction house is so overstuffed is because there’s 20,000 people all farming the same thing at once? Why must it be farmers?

How does Layering slow down levelling? Haven’t you made any friends along the way?

Layering doesn’t slow down leveling, it speeds it up. It allowed the racers to get people to invite them to groups and swap layers immediately to a layer with mobs after clearing a previous layer.

And the AH is very obviously being overstuffed by layer farmers on every server, video evidence of the farmers themselves is all over Twitch.

I’ve had zero problems with layering so far. I keep seeing the same people on my server pretty daily at this point.

Only issue I had was buying something and had to go to a new layer. Lets wait till phase two before we start yelling and screaming, huh?

“Ruined”? There are other things going on that are un-vanilla-like as well. Forming raids of 10 players to farm XP in dungeons, that sort of thing. Very little about Classic is like vanilla when it comes to these bleeding edge sorts of folks.

What places and what level ranges? What servers? I’m on Mankrik. Most people tend to level kind of slowly. I’m at the point where I’m getting into the Southern Barrens, Stonetalon Mountains and Ashenvale. Those places are marginally less crowded right now than the Barrens proper and the area around the Crossroads, which is packed. If I were in the 30’s level range, it would seem even quieter.

You could certainly take a break and come back when Phase 2 starts.

I don’t disagree that layering sucks, but it’s not here forever.

Forming raids of 10 people to farm dungeons for XP WAS a thing in Classic. Did you ever do Stralthome back then? You literally can’t do it without 10 people if you aren’t really geared. Layer hopping in Hearthglen was not in Classic.

No I’m talking about forming raids of 10 people for WC, Gnomer, etc and never doing anything else.
Also, in this version of Classic, Strat is only a 5 man. You can do the low-level dungeons as 10-man raids, but not the high-level ones. It’s screwy.

Because, idiot, without it there’d be perpetual queues … because people are idiots and didn’t move off the servers Blzizard SAID would be queue-bound!

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If you’re calling me an idiot then you’re a complete brain dead moron who should have a helmet at all times because people DID re-roll on other realms, but those filled up as well. Blizzard’s fault for not opening up enough servers at launch. They should have released it with no layering, and more servers, and just don’t free xfers later, and none of this nonsense would have happened.

Thanks for the complete gigglepudding take loser.

Your perception of reality is more of an issue than layering.

Most people notice no impact from layering at all.

More people actually improves an economy because you have more competition to try to prevent monopolies on resources. Layer hopping isn’t even as easy to exploit as retail sharding because there are far fewer layers than shards given you have one server vs. an entire region of access.

I doubt many people cared or were actively trying to get world first 60. They all were on servers with layers though if they wanted to take advantage of them.

I have not even notice the layering thing lol but i have noticed a lack of server and alot of queues :wink:

Some hardcore/elitist jerks will try to abuse layering but they are a minority! because they are terrible person in real life, propably some dealer or something like that with a love to abuse the system.