No kills no quests leveling challenge

Has anyone tried this?
I think theoretically you can achieve this by leveling 1-5 by exploration then 5-60 through gathering professions.
This would likely make someone go insane, however I want to try it

Anyone else?

Its been done already lol. Look up Double agent guy on youtube


No kills no quests no gear. Okay, better buy your character gear so they don’t get killed by wild animals camping those nodes.

All my characters level with herbalism and mining now for the extra xp. It’s easy enough to change later. And I do use the mats.

Double agent did this as a pandaren who never chose horse or alliance.


Probably should add no pet battles as well. It’s quite easy to get to 50 off just pet battles, getting to 60 is much slower but still relatively easy.

You can challenge SL trainers even if WQ is not up and it gives around 4k exp. each time. If you have a decent strategy and enough bandages it can be even quicker than questing to just park and keep doing the same fight over and over.

Double agent already did and does this, he’s a factionless pandaren too.

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It’s been done many times.

(And to people talking about Doubleagent, lots of people did it before he did. He just bragged a lot on the forums.)

i mean, i did it, it was very easy and very quick and please don’t look at my achievements

Boost to 50, do archaeology to 60.

They should let him leave the island as a factionless toon with WM always on.

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Hardly, a GM encouraged me to post about what I was doing back in the day, but I haven’t been posting much on here for years now. But yes, to answer the OP, it is very possible… especially in other parts of the game where there is a lot more to explore. Having a lot of rested XP will save you time as well if you’re playing other characters too.


Its definitely much easier than it used to be, what with the level squish and all. Its also possible to do quests along the way to help reach level 5 at least as long as they are quests that just require you to talk to an npc or fetch an item that doesn’t require killing a mob.